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In the Name of God بسم الله

Ali Mahdi

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Status Updates posted by Ali Mahdi

  1. Salaamun Alaykum

    1. navid


      سلام علیکم علی مهدی گرامی

      اینه شبکه رو من تازه دیدم

      میشه بگید دقیقا چطوره

      اون بخش چت جریانش چیه؟

      چطور فعال میشه


  2. as-Salaamun 'Alaykum! Eid Mubaarak to you too, thanks!

  3. Wa 'Alaykum as-Salaam "14infallibles." You're welcome. Thanks for the nice comments. May Allaah (SWT) reward you.

  4. Wa 'Alaykum as-Salaam "Ghafer" :)

  5. "Sybaby," thanks for your concern, but I'm not going to convert back to Christianity ;)

  6. Wa 'Alaykum as-Salaam. Thanks your your message. Sorry I forgot to reply to it. You're welcome for the ahaadith.

    I want to teach but I still have to go to Teacher's College. You can't really get a job with just a BA in History, which sucks. Insha-Allah, I plan on going to hawzah in Qom next year and I'll see what I want to do after a couple years. ;)

  7. Salaams. Sorry, it won't let me reply to your question. If you send me your email address, I will email you the Hadith of the Day.

  8. Thanks for the phone call :)

  9. "Rahbar-e ma Khamenei dar paneh-ye Hosain" means "Our Leader Khamenei is on the path of Husain" :)

  10. Baa Salaam. Haale shoma khoubi? :)

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