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In the Name of God بسم الله


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  1. *Facepalm* Where's facepalm emoticon when you need it!
  2. LOL you crack me up dude.Thanks for the laughs. :lol:
  3. Why? Are you one of his followers? Anyways. he was a scumbag mullah. We called him mister dharna because he'd stage a dharna on every little thing that concerned him or not. He was also a staunch taliban supporter. I may not have known him physically, but I happen to live in the same country as he did. So yeah, I sort of did know him.
  4. I know I shouldn't say this on somebody's death, but good riddance. :P
  5. Why'd I reinvent the wheel? Google it. Maybe we can discuss it once you've got full grasp of the subject. And I hope you're not arguing for the sake of arguing?
  6. Because it has been. I can see that. Since you can't even use proper punctuation. Right. My bad then.
  7. What you're saying is called teleological argument, and has been thoroughly debunked. Look it up.
  8. You a homosexual or a female? :P I'm getting a Déjà vu here.
  9. salam, salawat bar

    Mohammad wa Aalay Mohammad

    may Allah bless you on your birthday

  10. lol nocturne.. ashar on pakgeeks channel was one of those unlucky guys. :P
  11. salam, salawat bar

    Mohammad wa Aalay Mohammad

    may Allah bless you on your birthday

  12. What root cause? Taliban would want to 'kill the infidels' whether there's war or peace. It's just the way they roll.
  13. ^ I thought Mac OS X was the first to have widgets.
  14. KDE desktop looks like a Vista wannabe.
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