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In the Name of God بسم الله


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Everything posted by shukranlillah

  1. salam. yes the milk supply may hamper but not that much. depends upon ur body and upon ur baby's health. Today the doctor told us that fasting has impacts on ur body... not that much on ur baby's body. He was a child specialist. And if u r very weak and very thirsty while feeding the baby, then upon ur serious weakness u can break the fast for that that day. or u can fast a day and have a break of 1 day or u can fast 2 days and have a break of 1 day or u can fast 3 days and have a break of 1 day etc u shud give fidya for the days u had the break time. Fidya for 1 day which u was not fasting for ur pregnancy/breasfeding = 750gr of ur staple food (rice, wheet, oat.. depends upon ur country.) u shud give the food or the money and be sure that they will buy ONLY FOOD with ur fidya money. Happy fasting inshaAllah. :) kh
  2. salam. I heard that Abul Ala Mowdudi, the founder of Jamayate Islami in pakistan was not against Islamic Revolution in Iran. He was in support of the revolution. So what is the truth? I need documents/references also. Please.. any links? TC kh fee amanillah
  3. salam. The big part is Ruhullah. Whats there underneath? Thank you.
  4. Our belief is the life of baby starts at implantation. So I asked doctor about the time interval between conception and implantation. She said it varies.. from 2-3 days to 4-5 days.
  5. Allowed. http://www.al-islam.org/m_morals/chap4.htm
  6. salam. of-course pre-marriage courses r very useful. http://www.momin.com/urdu/Youtube_Videos2/Categories/Uncategory-.html # [session 1] Family Life In Islam - Sheikh Usama Abdulghani # [session 2] Family Life In Islam - Sheikh Usama Abdulghani
  7. Salaam. You must know that a wife is not always for all types of discussions that you need. If both have common topics then "noorun ala noor". But not everyone gets this "noorun ala noor" thing. So accept the reality. Just be happy with the only 'noor'. :) Be proud of her simplicity. Her simplicity is a beauty itself. :) And why u don't find interest at medical related issues? If u bring this topic than may be its easier for her to talk. May be she can not quote philosophical quotes.... but may be she understands those. So just talk to her and throw ur ideas... on the end of the year u get ur philosopher wife inshaAllah. LOL like me. My husband studies philosophy and of course no related to me. I am so simple-headed person. See my activities at virtual world. I never join to any thread of "The Thinker's Discourse" forum. Politics etc is also boring for me. And u know what? I can not feel like join to any off-topic forum or any fun post also. Myyy problem. Though I join various type of virtual discussions but my offline life is different. Simply simple-headed. Philosophy n Theology etc are not for all and a bit 'different thing'. I must say 'difficult' also. So this 2+ years I just listend to my hubby. Now, I can 'quote' also. :) He always tries to throw new ideas. Even if I do not always join to his discussions.. I know what he talks about.. and sometimes I know what he is going to conclude and now ppl say that I am influenced by his-type-ideas. See it works. Personality sometimes transfers. Or I shud say: rebuilding of personality happens when u can influence others. Lets see how successful u are! :) I watched a lecture of an Ayatullah today. He was talking on family and children issues. He said if u have baby then say Alhamdulillah for it is a Amanat from Allah. If you do not have baby then also say Alhamdulillah. u dont have to look after an Amanat. If u have abnormal or sick baby say Alhamdulillah. This baby is also an Amanat from Allah. Allah gives different types of amanat to different types of people. That's His choice. Learn to view from this angel rather than complaining like: why Allah didnt give me son? or why abnormal child? or why no child? etc. Try to be happy with what Allah has destined for you. InshaAllah this lecture helps u. And another thing. Before my hubby was married, he did seek advice from this same Ayatullah about marriage. The advice of Ayatullah was like a key to a successful marriage. He said: **Open ur eyes before marriage and then after marriage close ur eyes.** You have to judge all qualities of that girl before marriage. But after marriage just close ur eyes.. don't look for or look at her faults. Consider her faults as a fault of urself. Deal with her problem as if the problem is urs. Solve her problem as if it is ur problem. If ur problem is not being solved or not solvable... then what u do with urself? Do it for her also. Then u will be lucky to have a successful marriage. And Look at your own story from a different angel. Try to view this story from ur wife's angel. She is now quite happy with you. Don't ruin it.. Be her happiness... be her trust... be her entertainment. Feeling the feelings of her can lessen your boredom inshaAllah. Two cents from my simple brain. Khoda Hafez
  8. ^ addition: http://www.al-islam.org/modestdress/ Salam. Children not necessarily need to know all the philosophies behind. But a summary should be given to make her proud of it. Do u n ur daughter pray together? If u do then tell her this is the same reason why we do hijab, that is to please Allah. Iman, Wilayat, Namaz, Roza, not to eat haram foods, not to steal.... everything is wajib for us... for the same reason. This shud be made clear. Then there are detail philosophies and explanations of Iman or Imamat or Hijab or Roza etc.... u shud also tell her those explanations. But at first kids shud be prepared like: Allah says to do it..so we must do it. No exception. These r obligatory and we cannot miss these. We ourselves should obey first. Then it leads them automatically to follow the path. We should befriend with religious families. That will make kids friendly about hijab and religion. And dont forget to manage her matching colorful scarfs with dresses and may be that will make her feel ok. Make a hijab-starting party at home with friends and families. And give her hijab gifts. (In iran the schools give a party for all nine yrs old girls where they got gifts of new hijab and accessories of namaz. The kids seems proud to join that special party. They sing special songs together.) You can also write a song for ur daughter or manage a composer who will compose a song for you with these lines: from now on we will also talk to God, we r now all angels.. etc..... or songs like from now on angels are always with us, we r now big kids.... mom gave us special prayer mat and prayer scarf... we have our own tasbih beeds and sijdagah/turba.... we started to follow the best lady Zahra (sa)... or like i am a muslim... my hijab is my identity... my namaz is my identity... I am proud of my muslim name.... etc etc Manage various hijabi kids' pictures and make big posters and hang those in her room. Manage various hijabi cartoon pictures, stickers. Fee Amanillah.
  9. First: http://www.al-islam.org/encyclopedia/chapter1a/12.html http://www.answering-ansar.org/fiqh/usool_al_deen/en/chap6.php Second: http://www.answering-ansar.org/answers/tawassul/en/index.php this topic has 7 chapters. see all.
  10. ^ Subhanallah @ you! And to the OP: like this sis said: u can always make up the prayer later when u can not do it on time. Do not risk urself.
  11. Salaaam. May Your Creator Help You InshaAllah. 1. You just need a clean long sleeve top and full pant and a piece of cloth that u can use as head scarf that covers ur neck, head etc. All we have these clothes at home, no? So u dont have to use separate clothes. But make sure that ur dresses r 'ritually/islamicaly clean'. 2. You can lock the room for 5-10 minutes, no? Like when we change dresses and get ready we lock the room for some minutes. Let them assume u r changing ur dresses etc. 3. U don't need to use separate 'prayer carpet' for Namaz. U need some space that is clean and dry (for precaution when the place was is ritually/islamically not clean then it shud be dry and u shud be sure that the impurity of the place does not transfer to ur clothes or body ). You can pray on floor or on ur own room carpet or on a piece of bed sheet. The place of prostration must be pure. In shia Islam, at times of prostration we just need to put the forehead on a ritually pure/clean piece of wood/earth/paper/leaf etc. You have plain piece of paper at room. Use paper then. And they will not find anything special prayer mat/carpet. That will not attract their attention. 4. If u don't have to do a 'obligatory bath'... then I think at the times of Morning Prayer they will not assume anything inshaAllah. Just do ablution (1 time wash the face, 1time wash the hands, 1 time wipe the head and 1 time wipe the feet - these r just the obligatory parts of ablution). That will not make big sound? 5. You can always pray 2nd and 3rd prayer together at anytime of noon or afternoon times. 6. You can always combine 4th an 5th prayer till sunset to midnight. You can start trying. Prayer is the source of energy and inspiration. When u start it u will find peace inshaAllah. And dont worry... start slowly... gradulally it will become as ur habit. And dont panic... that will attract others to you. Act normally.. be tension free. Allah is just and kind. Allah be with you. Khoda Hafez
  12. ^ aww sis, dont be! I guess ppl didnt see ur post like me.. thats why it happened. 1. Dua of Imam Jawad (as): When asking relief from every anxiety and grief Yaa man yakfee min kulli shaee Walaa yakfee manhu shaee Ikfinee maa ahammanee mimmaa anaa feeh. Translation: O He who is sufficent from all things But nothing is sufficient from Him Be sufficient for me in what worries me in the state I am. 2. Dua of Imam Jafar (as): (Sura Aale I’mraan : 173) For issues/Needs Hasbunallah wa ni'mal wakeel Translation: Allah is sufficient for us and most excellent is the Protector. 3. Dua of Imam Rida (as): For seeking well-being and thanking for it Allaahumma innee as-alukal-`aafiyah, wash-shukral-`aafiyah. Translation: O Allah I ask from You the well-being, and to be grateful for the well-being. 4. Dua of Imam Sajjad (as): Dua Aafiyah/Well Being----keeps you safe from all evils and misfortunes Link: http://www.duas.org/aafiyat.htm 5. Surah Mumin(40): 44 وَأُفَوِّضُ أَمْرِي إِلَى اللَّهِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ بَصِيرٌ بِالْعِبَادِ I entrust my affair to Allah, verily, Allah keeps an eye on (His) servants. 6. Quranic Duas for Children: Link: http://www.shiachat.com/forum/index.php?/topic/234982355-dua-for-baby 7. Dua of Imam Sajjad (as): For Children: Link: http://duas.org/sajjadiya/s25.htm 8. Dua Jawshan Kabir : Dua for the protection Link: http://www.duas.org/jkabeer1.htm 9. Dua Mashlool: Drives Away Sickness Link: http://duas.org/mashlool.htm 10. Dua Tawassul: There is no difficulty or problem that this dua'a does not solve Link: http://duas.org/tawasul.htm 11. Dua Yastasheer: Keeps safe from hardships and misfortunes Link: http://duas.org/alaviya/dua1.htm 12. Dua of Imam Jafar (as) : To remove worries Recite three times daily: (i) al Kaafiroon (ii) al Ikhlas (iii) al Falaq (iv) an Naas. 13. Dua of Imam Musa (as): To remove worries Recite any 100 verses of the holy Quran and at the end recite 3 times : Allahummad Fa' 'Annil Balaa Translation: O Allah, drive the misfortune away from me. 14. You can recite Ayatul Kursi (Surah Baqarah: 255-257) on your children. Should I insert more? :) Donnt worry sis.. inshaAllah, bi Haqqe Muhammad wa Aale Muhammad (salawat), Allah will protect your family. Hope n pray u n ur children are safe n fine inshaAllah. Salaam. Fee Amanillah.
  13. A bunch of prescriptions from Late Aref Sheikh Rajab Ali ®: http://www.al-islam.org/elixiroflove/17.htm Suppressing the Satanic Temptations when Encountering Women other than Mahram Dr. Farzam related: the reverend Shaykh Rajab Ali considered the dhikr Ya khaira Habibin wa Mahbubin, Salli 'ala Mubammadin wa Alihi (O Best of Lovers and the Best of Beloved! Bless Muhammad and his Family)) very effective after one glances at a woman other than his next of kin. He frequently advised me to recite this dhikr to remain secure from the Satan's temptation. He said: "When you glance at a woman other than your next of kin/mahram, if you do not enjoy looking at her you are sick! But if you enjoy, you ought to cast your look away from her and say: ya khaira Habib.... Which means: O God! I cherish you. These are not likeable; whatever is mortal is not likeable. ..."
  14. Salaam. The medicine is prescribed according to the disease. If u like her company then u must avoid the company. Consider it as haram for u. If talking to her feels good then stop talking to her. Consider it as haram for u. If looking at her leaves impression at ur heart then dont look at her. Consider it as haram for u. Do a serious Jihad. Here I have heard that when u r following an Ayatullah/Aref for akhlaqi/irfani guidance... they prescribe u this type of solutions. That day I've heard that a brother said the ayatullah that he has problems when he is in taxi with other girls beside her (shared taxi ride) he is like aroused or feels something that shudn't be felt etc. The Ayatullah said like DO NOT ride on taxis with na mahram. Solution is given according to the problem. Understand the reason? Riding on a taxi with others is not haram for me or you.. but IT IS haram now for that brother. (may be for a certain period of time until he is totally cured or something... or when ayatullah finds him released from his disease.. or after he is married... i don't know ). And don't forget to tell her also that we were not acting according to islam... and u have already decided not to deal with her. And as she is a shia this is a plus point I think? Just tell her that u r afraid of Imam Zaman (atfs).. being in His presence u can not do things like hanging out, or talking unnecessarily to girls which r haram. She may try to blackmail u.. or getting more emotional.. just don't fall into the trap.. just repeat the words in a harsh voice so that she knows that it is ur LAST WORD and u r more than serious. Fee Amanillah
  15. I don't know what to recommend you. Depends on ur culture and ur standard of living i think? How good service u want...? We were one time in hotel (private kitchen+bath), one time at pakistani hosseiniya (shared kitchen+bath) at almost free of cost, and the other time we rented a separate house (of course private kitchen+bath) at cheap rate.
  16. Have u tried asking it to the fatwa department of Rahbar Ayatullah Sayyed Ali khamenei? Explain clearly and in detail ur gender, ur age, ur country, about ur family members, religions, ur feelings and ur concerns, etc.. and then ask him fatwa. I think his site is little fast in giving answers. InshaAllah khair. Khoda Hafez
  17. ^ I was talking about inter-Iran plane/train tickets which are now either booked or purchased.
  18. I like this: http://www.igotitcovered.org/2010/02/24/why-do-i-wear-hijab/ http://www.igotitcovered.org/2010/12/27/in-his-eyes-a-reflection-on-beauty/ Make sure u include a summary of all these reasons of Hijab: The Philosophical Reason The Social Reason The Economic Reason The Ethical Reason The Psychological Reason ource: http://www.al-islam.org/modestdress/ when ppl r clear.. they know what to do. And when u r done writing the article , please dont forget to share.
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