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What they don’t want you to know part three
Muntazir e Mahdi and 3 others reacted to Abu_Zahra for a topic
Firstly these threads are repetitive and not bringing any new information, so making multiple parts serves no purpose. Secondly the language being used is unacceptable. Insults and personal attacks will not be tolerated. I am locking the thread and will issue warnings if the insults continue.4 points -
What they don’t want you to know part three
Abu Nur and 3 others reacted to Muhammed Ali for a topic
The language of the anti-313? This is not the language of the Shia. Perhaps you are one of the anti-313 coming here to tell us not to take vaccines and not to wear masks. Maybe you want the Shia to be harmed by Covid? You upvoted a post which speculated that Trump and Zuckeberg may be on the side of good.4 points -
Are you going to take the vaccine?
Diaz and 2 others reacted to pisceswolf96 for a topic
Good luck to you. I truly hope that my predictions turns to be false.3 points -
Is it haram to keep dogs in the house?
Quran313 and 2 others reacted to Ashvazdanghe for a topic
Salam all types of dogs are Najis (impure) so you cannot hold them in house but you can keep Puppy or any type of dog outside of house in yard or etc.3 points -
What they don’t want you to know part three
Zainuu and 2 others reacted to Muhammed Ali for a topic
All big (and many small) conspiracy theorists are actually working for the governments and leaders. Any why wouldn't these powerful people infiltrate the conspiracy theorist community? Even the Prophet {s} had hypocrites among his ranks. It makes no sense for the masons/illuminati/billionaires to leave the conspiracy theorists alone. They either get killed or they join the ranks. Icke, Jones etc are all with the illuminati. Be careful of these conspiracy websites they are logging your IP address and your location using GPS. Be careful of Shiachat mods they might also with them. In fact be careful of your teacher Sami, he is a famous one who could be one of them. And maybe our shia books have been rewritten by these powerful people. Maybe we can no longer trust al-Kafi. And why wouldn't they do it? Why would they leave any stone unturned? And the biggest conspiracy: Maybe some of these world leaders are doing taqiyyah and are on our side? Zuckerberg, Trump & Boris could be one of the 313 working like Ali ibn Yaqteen did during the time of Imam Musa {a}. You people are fascinating.3 points -
Are you going to take the vaccine?
BlueInk and 2 others reacted to justAnothermuslim for a topic
Not sure if that 2% represent CaseFatalityRate or InfectionFatalityRate. Anyhow it is 8 times higher than the latest IFR figure (0.15%) in a study done below: https://off-guardian.org/2021/04/21/covids-ifr-just-keeps-dropping/ With every new study, with every new paper, the “deadly” pandemic gets less and less, well, deadly. The most recent data review, published in late March, puts the infection fatality ratio (IFR) at 0.15%. That is, once again, pretty much the same as a normal flu season.3 points -
What, in your belief, is the nature of God?
313_Waiter and one other reacted to MexicanVato for a topic
On a similar note, it is surprising the many muslims that do not accept that there is esoteric meanings in Islam. Even the syllables at the beginning of some chapters of the Qur'an are indication of Divine Mysteries. Even if one wants to say we dont know the meaning, that even more so indicate mysticism. However, my view is always congruent in the orthodoxy of Shi'a view of Allah being unlike creation.2 points -
What, in your belief, is the nature of God?
313_Waiter and one other reacted to MexicanVato for a topic
Salaam brother, thanks again for sharing these great esoteric gems. I feel that the way we can understand this (if it is a true hadith) is by saying this does not refer to Imam Ali (عليه السلام) in the sense the perfect reflection of the Absolute, but rather it is referring to the ‘true self’ that is God Himself. Where we see that everything is happening within consciousness, by consciousness and through consciousness. Wa alaikum salam wa rahmatullah, Yes, I do not think this is just something designated for Imam Ali (عليه السلام). This is the concept of the perfect man. The Muhammadin Light. Yea in another thread I started a topic on 'Who are the extreme Shi'a'. I suggested we differentiate between those that worshiped the Imams from those arifin who use language that is outside of orthodoxy. Taking Imam Ali (عليه السلام) or other Imams as gods or independent beings that act outside of the will of Allah is falsehood. I believe these narrations are suggesting the perfect man. The Muhammadin light can be considered and I hate equating it to buddha nature.. I only say that for the sake of explaining it somewhat, but buddhism is devoid of divinity and this is their error. Islam is full of the divine which is Allah and solely Allah's. But the Nabi (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) being the first creation is the passing of this fitra to all of creation. Fitra is none other than one's natural tendency to submit to the Creator who is free from limitation and is the God of Imam Ali (عليه السلام) and al-Mustafa (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم).2 points -
Fallibility of Prophets
Allah Seeker and one other reacted to Abu Nur for a topic
It is simple. I was referring to Imams (عليه السلام) and Prophets (عليه السلام) and you go apply the same method to all fallible people, which is faulty. Because the basic principles in religion is that you can only obey Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى), Prophet and Imams (عليه السلام). As for others it does not apply.2 points -
Fallibility of Prophets
Allah Seeker and one other reacted to Cool for a topic
Have you seen Him doing things which are always right? You're just telling us the mistake of Allah that He has appointed guides without being guided them properly. You're telling us that a creation of Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) is so powerful (Satan) that he can misguide anyone, even those who are guided by Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى). How have made your God da'eef (na'uzobillah). So as per you logic, since Allah is upon Sirat e Mustaqeem: إِنَّ رَبِّي عَلَى صِرَاطٍ مُّسْتَقِيمٍ 11:56 Therefore no one can be upon Sirat like Him. إِنَّكَ لَمِنَ الْمُرْسَلِينَ {36:3 عَلَىٰ صِرَاطٍ مُسْتَقِيمٍ {36:42 points -
Alhumdulillah. Hezbollah is playing an extremely crucial role in helping lebanon in this financial crisis accompanied by impacts of sanctions. Anyone can add to the thread if there is anything relevant.1 point
Ashvazdanghe reacted to Alruq for a topic
Salam aykom brothers and sisters. Is it okay to perform mutah with a girl who is not a virgin? Now a days people post themselves online and stuff. My intentions are clean and dont want to commit zena. Thank you wa salam1 point -
Fallibility of Prophets
Allah Seeker reacted to Abu Nur for a topic
That is good and one should investigate if possible of course.1 point -
Fallibility of Prophets
Allah Seeker reacted to Syed Ali Mehdi Shah Naqvi for a topic
Well Ibrahim and Ismail (عليه السلام) were ordered to Raise it in first place.1 point -
Salam, I think so. As far as I can tell only the majority of scholars are encouraging us to get vaccinated, which is great.1 point
Fallibility of Prophets
Allah Seeker reacted to Ansar Shiat Ali for a topic
Salam brother! I would recommend a book called Muraja'at fe I'smat al Anbiya/مراجعات في عصمة الانبياء. Remember, every sin is a mistake but every mistake is not a sin.1 point -
Fallibility of Prophets
Allah Seeker reacted to Syed Ali Mehdi Shah Naqvi for a topic
I remember a verse from Quran that ordered Ibrahim and Ismail to clean the house of Allah. Would that also refer to House of Allah being Najis and unclean before they cleaned it?1 point -
Fallibility of Prophets
Zainuu reacted to Syed Ali Mehdi Shah Naqvi for a topic
As far as i've heard from scholars, they say that verses of The Book if Allah are subject to both, Tafseer and Taweel. Plus there would be sufficient evidence in hadeeth that explains the meaning of these verses. Anyways, seems like an interesting topic. Will look for all of these verses in Tafaseer e Ahlebait (عليه السلام)1 point -
Are you going to take the vaccine?
Syed.Dynasty reacted to Sirius_Bright for a topic
I literally don't have words to reply to your conjecture. Just see what is happening in India. What this virus can do along with incompetence of government. Long term side effect of this vaccine is NOT PROVEN. There are no remedies at this time to prevent infection. You not knowing the long term effects but claiming it’s the dangerous is all conjecture.1 point -
Are you going to take the vaccine?
Diaz reacted to Sirius_Bright for a topic
People can literally see how covid is catching everyone and killing in millions. The Vaccine that can protect from covid infection and death is 'untrustworthy' and 'dangerous' just based on conjecture.1 point -
How do Quranist pray?
Abu_Zahra reacted to Muhammad A-H for a topic
I doubt there is one since the Quran doesn't give such a description.1 point -
Who are the extreme Shi'a?
MexicanVato reacted to Abu_Zahra for a topic
I don't need to make the call, the aimmah have defined ghuluw and condemned the ghulat. If the stance of the aimmah disturbs you then it's your own issue. For the rest of us their speech is hujjah upon us. Fee amanillah1 point -
Are you going to take the vaccine?
Syed.Dynasty reacted to Ashvazdanghe for a topic
Salam he just has stated his opinion & has not made a Fatwa which his statement was based previous vicious plans of westerners against Iran like spreading AIDS between Iranian hemophiliac through contanimated blood products by France , also his statement is about Iran not rest of shia world whih he also stated that if we find a reliable source for vaccines by expert then we buy it from these source before ending test trials of Iranian vaccines so you are free to use any vaccine for yourself which safety is not guaranteed for these vaccines . at least homegrown vaccines even with mrna technology will be safe for Iranians also trials of all types of Iranian vaccines on volunteers had not any side effects .1 point -
Are you going to take the vaccine?
Z_Ali reacted to pisceswolf96 for a topic
Yes, self reports are my source. If you truly still believe that researchers that are bought and paid by corporations have integrity and your interest in their mind then you're truly clueless. Such people tried to hide the adverse effects of things like smoking and porn for decades until they were caught and there's absolutely nothing stopping them from doing the same thing with the Vaxx If you still want studies then you have to wait for a year or two (or even longer) and by that time most people would've taken the Vaxx. But there is one study that you should keep your eye on1 point -
What, in your belief, is the nature of God?
MexicanVato reacted to 313_Waiter for a topic
Salaam brother, thanks again for sharing these great esoteric gems. I feel that the way we can understand this (if it is a true hadith) is by saying this does not refer to Imam Ali (عليه السلام) in the sense the perfect reflection of the Absolute, but rather it is referring to the ‘true self’ that is God Himself. Where we see that everything is happening within consciousness, by consciousness and through consciousness. As we know God ascribes such traits to Himself: “He is the First and the Last, the Manifest and the Hidden” (57:3). Perhaps we can understand Jesus’s saying “Before Abraham was, I am” in a similar manner (if he really did say it). I had a topic about a similar hadith a while back: There are also some hadiths about Hazrat Ali (عليه السلام) executing a capital punishment on Ghulāt calling him God (after warning them to desist). So we need to be wary of shirk. I was thinking about why it is such a big sin if the Ghulāt were merely seeing the Real within Imam Ali (عليه السلام). Perhaps it is because they were taking their false ego as their God and not differentiating between multiplicity and Divine Unity; they were only calling the illusory God. Share your thoughts brother inshaAllah.1 point -
Are you going to take the vaccine?
BlueInk reacted to pisceswolf96 for a topic
Did you just compare Khamenei to Ahl Al-bayt? If you understand that all of this is politics then you must understand that politicians can be both evil on both sides. After all when the Umayyad & Abbasids fought each other, neither of them was on the right side. So while the prohibition of the vaccine might be political it still a good decision because on the yet to be known disastrous side effects1 point -
Are you going to take the vaccine?
Allah Seeker reacted to justAnothermuslim for a topic
If you find yourself still undecided, the following may help : 18 reasons why Christian Elliot won't be getting corona vaccine https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/reasons-not-getting-covid-vaccine/ AND it's point-by-point rebuttal, at https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/christian-elliots-18-reasons-i-wont-be-getting-a-covid-vaccine-viral-antivaccine-misinformation/1 point -
Ashvazdanghe reacted to guest 2025 for a topic
You must get permission of her parents if she is a virgin. Even if she was not, she would have to have lost her virginity in a marriage and not through zina. If I were you I would try to get married normally, because there is a real risk of you getting someone pregnant. Contraceptives do not have a 100% rate of success, it's 99%. I know a couple who had several children even though the woman was on birth control. And there are many, many people out there who were born even though a condom was used properly. You may be not prepared to get married right now, but are you prepared to raise a child?1 point -
What, in your belief, is the nature of God?
313_Waiter reacted to MexicanVato for a topic
The below should be of some interest to you. I took it from the same book cited above by Allamah Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Husayni Tihrani (Rahimahullah) [pg. 68-70]: ...Ali (عليه السلام) says in Khutbat al-Bayan ("The Explanatory Sermon"): I am God's face, I am God's side, I am God's hand, I am the most exalted pen, I am the Guarded Tablet. I am the clear Book. I am the speaking Qur'an. I am Kaf Ha Ya 'Ayn Sad. I am Alif Lam Mim I am the Ta in the chapters that begin with Ta Sin Mim (al-Tawasim); I am the Ha in the chapters that begin with Ha Mim (al-Hawamim). I am titled Ya Sin. I am the Sad in al-Saffat. I am the Sin in chapters that begin by praising God (al-Musabbihat). I am the Nun and the Pen; I am the Table of Generosity. I am Gabriel's friend; I am he about whom God's Messenger (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) said: "There is no hero [but Ali.]" I am praised by [Chapter 76]: Hal ata; I am the great tidings. I am the straight path. I am the first. I am the last. I am the manifest. I am the hidden... Beware of finding these points unbelievable. What would be unbelievable would be if the Imam did all these things autonomously. However, if he is the mere mirror, and the perfect sign of the Real, and these actions are the manifestation of the One's Essence appearing in the mirror that is [the Imam's] existence], they cannot be considered to be unbelievable. If according to true Monotheism, any action is through God, then what is the difference between a small act by the Imam, such as ripping away the Gate at Khaybar, killing 'Amr Ibn 'Abd Widd, Marhab, and the heroes of Quraysh at the battles of Khaybar, the Confederates (al-Ahzab) and Badr; and a great act, such as Noah's flood, sending the poisonous wind to 'Ad, and so on? In all cases it is the Real's doing. In his al-Isharat (Remarks), Avicenna says: When [a gnostic] finishes his mortification and attains [his goal and desires, which are joining the Holiness Creator], his soul (sirr) appears shiningly before the Real, and the sublimest ecstasies pour copiously onto it; he rejoices at the trace left in himself by the Real; he sees himself and sees the Real and is torn between the two... Next, he leaves himself and sees only the Holy. Even if he does not see himself, he only sees his observation, not his self with alll its embellishment. That is when he has arrived... And after that, he says: Mysticism begins with tafriq [the mystic's separating from everything that distracts him from the Real], nafd [shaking himself to cast off the effects of those distractions such that he does not pay them any more attention to perfect his soul to abstract it from anything but the Real], tark [cutting himself off from and forgetting everything to reach God], and rafd [rejecting all pleasures to reach the Real]. Khawajah Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, May God be pleased with him, says by way of explanation of the above that when the mystic cuts himself off and connects with the Real, he believes himself to have power over everything, knowledge of everything and a will that cannot be opposed by contingent being. In fact, everything that exists issues and effuses from him. At that point, the Real has become his sight by which he sees, his hearing by which he hears, his power by which he acts, his knowledge by which he knows, and his existence by which he exists. At that point, the mystic actually has God's manners (akhlaq); this is what the Shaykh means by: "Mysticism is devoted to all attributes-the Real's attributes for the soul that truly desires." After that, the gnostic sees through his inward eyes; that is, he sees this and similar attributes as plural when measured against plurality, but singular when measured against their single origin, because the Essential Itself is his essential power, and his essential power is His Will, The same applies to all his other attributes. Nothing else has any inherent existence. There are no attributes distinct from His Essence; they are all one thing, as God, the Honorable and Exalted Says: "God is only One God" (4:171). So He is He. There is nothing else; this is what ending up at One means. At that point there remains no describer or thing described, no wayfarer or wayfared, no knower or thing known. This is standing (wuquf).1 point -
Who are the extreme Shi'a?
Ashvazdanghe reacted to Sirius_Bright for a topic
3rd point is in no way ghuluw. He is not harsh. We should be harsh towards baatil.1 point -
Lady Khadija (s.a.): The Perfect Woman
Ashvazdanghe reacted to dawudansari2 for a topic
There are only four women in the entire world who have measured up to the lofty standards of real greatness and perfection set by Islam. They are: 1. Lady Asiya (s.a.), the wife of Pharaoh 2. Lady Mary (s.a.), the mother of Christ ((عليه السلام).) 3. Lady Khadija (s.a.), the daughter of Khuwailid 4. Lady Fatimah Zahra (s.a.), the daughter of Prophet Muhammad (S)1 point -
Jewish extremists
Ashvazdanghe reacted to MexicanVato for a topic
Smh. Hate breeds hate. Ask and ye shall receive. They have lot in common with BLM. https://www.rt.com/news/521868-jerusalem-riots-clashes-videos/1 point -
Who are the extreme Shi'a?
Ashvazdanghe reacted to Abu Nur for a topic
Heretic are those who give extreme impropriety attributes and belief about the Imams such that they attribute them qualities of God. Some of them in past thought that Imam is a God in flesh like how christians say about Jesus. Some of them thought that the Imams give sustenace to all creations etc1 point -
Oppressed Imams of Janatul Baqi
Ashvazdanghe reacted to AbalFadhl for a topic
Salam , I've been thinking is there a way to ask the guards who guard the graves of the Imams (عليه السلام) to let us go near them . I've seen on Instagram some people who broke the gate and quickly went and touched all five graves and got some samples of dust . Could there be a way to bribe these Kafirs to let us go and sit next to our Beloved Imams (عليه السلام) ?1 point -
Zionist Regime is burning
Ashvazdanghe reacted to Berber-Shia for a topic
Most so called Orthodox Jews (Haredi) that condemn Israel is because they believe that the exile has not ended and only the Messiah can establish a Jewish state. Do some of them really stand up for the Palestinian cause? Sure. But believe me, most of them do it out of theological reasons. And no matter what they are, Zionists or Anti-Zionists, they still believe that when their Messiah comes, all goyim will eventually have to serve the Jews and keep Noahide laws. If not, they will be killed. That's from the Talmud and Kabbalic texts for those that don't know.1 point -
Zionist Regime is burning
Ashvazdanghe reacted to Dawid Das for a topic
Then weaponise their own belief against them. They even go as far to say this land belongs to them according to their belief. If they truly believed what they say then they should follow every laws in their religion. But these same people are doing the opposite and are even trying to weaken islam in the middle east when their own religion is much more extreme than islam. So why don't they remove their own religion then but obviously they won't do that because they don't even believe what they say. Lol these people believe this land belongs to them according to hebrew-aramaic judaism. yet the supposed people of God(They are the opposite) don't follow their religion but will say ridiculous things like palestine belongs to them when it suits them. not even one of them follows the mosaic law. Because if they did we would see whores being stoned to death and those not living according to those laws executed instantly. Even for simple stuff as a child disrespecting the Sabbath would be killed. ancient israel/palestine/judea when Judaism dominated it is like the saudi regime on steroid when it comes to following religious rules and would even make the saudi regime look liberal in comparison. but these supposed jews are enemies of their own religion. The only way to defeat them is by exposing them that they are not real jews so Christians will stop supporting them(the only reasons Christians supports them to begin with is because they believe they are real authentic jews) I don't understand how any one can't see through their lies(especially Christians). obviously they are only using Christians as canon fodders because Christians still believe they are the real israelites aka people of God. So Christians today are manipulated by these jews who am supposed to believe are authentic jews by other Christians. Even when other Christians are pointing out they are fake jews. They get called antisemite by other Christians.1 point -
Zionist Regime is burning
Ashvazdanghe reacted to Abu Nur for a topic
I don't think that regime can be attacked by military any sooner or later if you don't have allies who want to change it. If Iran attack Israel by military then you will have US,UK,EU and Arabs with Israel and I don't think Russia or China will even be interested in such a war.1 point -
Are you going to take the vaccine?
Ashvazdanghe reacted to Diaz for a topic
He said we shouldn’t take vaccine from US and UK only, he didn’t said we shouldn’t take the vaccine. Plus he is the only marja that forbid US and UK vaccine.1 point -
No grounds in Shi'a Islam?
Muslim2010 reacted to The Green Knight for a topic
My analogy is actually spot on then. Your schools returned to the way of the messenger (and also imperatively to the way of the jamaat of the three caliphs (for bughz of Ali)) much later during Abassid rule. Read some history. If the concept of Imamate is so alien then why did Sunni choose 4 Imams from 4 corners of the Islamic world? What was the criteria? Did these invent hadith sciences? Read how your "hadiths" were chosen, about 0.1 million of them burnt, the biggest numbers narrated by a very late Jewish convert and the second biggest allegedly by a unwise teen age girl while 1 woman's testimony is insufficient in Islam. Its very easy to spew ignorance and deny and copy paste and to think you win debates, its not easy to digest the truth.1 point -
Doubts over the story of Khidr and Musa
Kaya reacted to Ashvazdanghe for a topic
Salam whole of story was for examining of prophet Musa (عليه السلام) because such action was against any divine law like original Torah in hands of him but prophet Khidr has more divine knowledge than prophet Musa(عليه السلام) which at start of their journey he warned prophet Musa(عليه السلام) which he can't understand goal his action at first & he will leave prophet Musa(عليه السلام) if he critcizes him three times for his actions during journy which definetly prophet Khidr (عليه السلام) killed that boy by order of Allah as a tool for this action which Allah used him for this action as one of number of ways for killing the kid , moral of story is that we must follow order of infallible Imam withtout questioning him like Imam Ali(عليه السلام) was doing any action by order of prophet Muhammad (pbu)1 point -
George Floyd Dead, Let's ask the REAL Questions.
Ashvazdanghe reacted to MexicanVato for a topic
Honestly I could care less about this subject. George Floyd was a criminal and addicted to drugs. The cop I could give a damn about also. I have seen corrupt cops and bad decisions by cops. But the whole BLM narrative that blacks are targeted is just false. More whites are killed by police officers each year but they rarely get shown on TV even when the cop was in the wrong. Yes, more blacks will have a run in with the police and that is a cultural issue because although blacks make up a small percentage of the population, they commit the majority of violent crimes. We should question why this is? Its ignorant that some people call you a racists for even asking the question. In my opinion the problem causing such crimes among blacks is lack of a father figure in the home. This is a result of liberal policy. More and more whites are now growing up without a father in the household due to welfarism pushed by libs. So I expect that we will see more crime arise from white communities also. A side note: BLM is a trash organization that does not care about blacks. It is more of an LGBTQ and marxist organization on top of being a funding machine for the Democratic party.1 point -
The current reality of the Shia
Kaya reacted to Ashvazdanghe for a topic
For correction , It's " Persian Gulf " not just " Gulf "1 point -
I don't really agree with this mindset. It's become a habit among people to passively attribute any and every challenge to 'the end of times' which for all we know could be 500 years away. I think each challenge has to be identified, acknowledged and countered. Grieving over it as some do, or merely attributing it to the end of time like others do, will not bring about a solution.1 point
Beautiful action from Beautiful heart.1 point
Infallibility of Imams
Andrew Israel reacted to MexicanVato for a topic
Sorry akhi. I missed this question. I originally got into Islam at a young age. Likely around 16 or 17. I started learning about Shia Islam but unfortunately Najdi dawah got to me. Seeing the inner division amongst the Salafis and their extreme views kind of caused me to drift away. The original reason for getting into Islam was Tawhid. It made much more sense than the trinity. While not practicing I began reading Shia and Sufi books for 'fun'. I kept telling myself that if I were to become a Muslim I would be Shia. After some time I decided to buy more books at the Middle Eastern Bookstore in Dearborn from the brother and Hajji Abu Mohamed. I randomly went to Islamic Center of America to get a Turbah not yet practicing but I felt like I was close to converting. Shortly after I took shahada and had Sheikh Nami Farhat (an australian Shia shaykh) as my witness. For me the rational arguments of the Qur'an against atheists, mushrikun and christians are a precise de-mantling of their creed. Now I am on the quest for Tazkiya. Alhamdulilah1 point -
No grounds in Shi'a Islam?
Abdul-Hadi reacted to realizm for a topic
Brother you know we Shias find no grounds for the 'elections' of your first three caliphs over Ali (عليه السلام) right ?1 point -
The Kuffar searching for imam Mahdi (as) ??
Kaya reacted to The Green Knight for a topic
Pharaoh also knew that someone will destroy him and his false godhood, end his similarly long run of his power and desires, and one day he was told such a man is about to be born in the tribe of believers so he ordered that all male newborns be killed and kept doing this. But then what happened? Didn't God protect Moses (عليه السلام) in a stunning manner and Pharaoh's extreme and not only his best efforts were of no avail at all but God made him bring up Moses himself at his own house? Its really stupid of them to search for the Mahdi (عليه السلام). They should instead stop murder, robbery, destruction and all their evils and submit. Repent and do good deeds instead.1 point -
Fallibility of Prophets
Allah Seeker reacted to Abu Nur for a topic
I never follow a man who claim something while he errs, it will only cause doubts. Such a man is impossible from God to choose. That's why Prophets must all be infallibles not just by sending the message of God but also infallible in Knowledge and actions.1 point -
Fallibility of Prophets
Allah Seeker reacted to Abu Nur for a topic
An infallible (Arabic: معصوم ma`sūm) is someone who is free from error in leading people to belief, in perceiving divine knowledge, and in practical matters. Means that he is protected, thus for such a person they are free from error (as long God wish) for particular task, in this matter leading people to belief that is pure, perceiving knowledge withouth doubt and practicing by what they know and in sincerity.1 point -
Fatima is more virtuous than Maryam because: fatima is daughter of prophet muhammed, the best of prophets she is the wife of Ali who is the best person after muhammed she is the mother of 11 imams the best creation after prophet and imam ali this is only few of things why she is better than Maryam you see ahlul bayt or people of the household are the best of creation in the universe they are muhammed and Ali and his sons Hassan and Hussein and Fatima daughter of mohammed1 point