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  1. People like Haneen put many Brits to shame, but stories like this are great to hear. Hopefully Britain gives her the life, opportunities and respect she deserves in order to succeed in her dreams.
    3 points
  2. As the title suggests, what if Germany had won WWII? Would it have been better for Muslims and the rest of the world in general? I think yes. Middle East would have been left alone, Israel would not have formed, British colonies would have gained freedom and fair divisions. Religious manipulations and forming of new religions would have ceased. There would have been no ISIS. May be India would not have been divided since some Indians helped NSDAP in the war. Also Russia and the rest of the Europe would have been a lot more powerful. With scientists like Vener von Braun and others there full potentials would have been unlocked and not just in the field of weapons development. There would been less arms races. No cold war. EU would have formed many decades earlier. There would have been no rabid canines terrorizing the world and blocking / manipulating our futures. Best of all, capitalism and imperialism would have died. Can you imagine? What do you think?
    2 points
  3. Also what's with this fixation among Muslims with hating the West lol, as if any other "superpower" in history since the beginning of civilisation has done better. Whom do you prefer, the Mongols or the Romans or who else? Furthermore, what good have Muslims done to the world when they were a superpower? Should we really bring up the record of Ummayads and Abbassids and the Ottomans? The great world you seek will only arise when the Sahib Al-Zaman (عليه السلام) appears.
    2 points
  4. That is a disturbing thing to think about. Very disturbing. Hitler saw Islam as a valuable weapon. https://en.qantara.de/content/interview-with-historian-david-motadel-hitlers-Muslim-stop-gaps So as you can see Hitler saw Muslims as an ally in his hatred of Jews, he successfully used propaganda to further manipulate Muslim Anti-Semitism (sadly, it doesn't take much to manipulate Muslims). As you can see he saw Muslims as a means to an end. However, what was Hitler's overall opinion of Muslims and Islam? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_views_of_Adolf_Hitler#Hitler_on_Islam So based on this we can safely assume that while Islam would've become the world's dominant religion, it would've only been German Muslims in the world. Hitler liked the religion and its practices, but hated non Germans. What does that mean? It means that all of us that are not German, blonde haired & blue eyed would've either been killed or enslaved. So it wouldn't have been an advantage for Muslims by any stretch. Nope, not at all. Middle East would not have been left alone. Once Hitler was done conquering Europe he had plans to march into the Middle East, and then into Asia. Israel would not have been formed, but what difference would that matter since Palestinians would've been dead or enslaved by him anyway. Don't forget Hitler wanted to conquer the world, not just Europe. All we would've had were Nazis who follow Islam. Safe to say that Hitler would've also manipulated the religion to suit his wishes, so doubtful that the Islam of the Nazis would be anything close to actual Islam anyway. No ISIS, but no anything else either including Shi'a. The defeat of Nazism was one of the greatest accomplishments of human history. Whatever condition the world is in right now is nothing compared to horror that would've occurred had Hitler not been defeated. To be honest, neither you nor I would've been alive right now most probably. If somehow we remained alive we would've probably been enslaved and treated like property. Not a pretty picture by any stretch.
    2 points
  5. Sister79

    Hard to walk away

    As Salam Aleykom, I would like to ask for advice. It is very hard for me since I have never done this before but I feel that I am no longer able to carry on. I have been married for 13 years and have 4 beautiful children, Alhamdurilla. Our family is the perfect family to the outsiders, my husband is in a highflyer job earning huge amount of money, our children are good kids, but as I said it is only from the outside. During our marriage my husband, from his own fault have lost his entire money few times due to bad business deals, and we had to start everything from zero, I have never complained and never made him feel bad about it, I stood by him, I have never married him for his money or his good looks, I have always been there thick or thin. He was someone I looked up to I thought he will guide our family the right way, but unfortunately it is not the case. He very much changed during the years, family does not interest him other than paying the school fees and buying food. He is always angry at home, verbally and physically abusive, he controls everything by money, for us he is not happy to provide, but for his siblings the funds are unlimited. But this is something you could live with if there was love or care, or even respect, but there is none, we and especially myself I am dying for my husband`s effection, But there is none, I get only the degrading words, that I am useless and worthless, slowly he reduced my confidence to nothing. He has friends whom are neither married or have been divorced, they go on boys holiday and engage in mutah with prostitutes, my husband since we are married has done this at many times as I came to know just recently, that includes the times when we were newlyweds and when I was pregnant, even during Muharram, it is absolutely heartbreaking, he justifies his actions making up stories about me to his friends, as I came to know, he portrays me as a horrible dirty person. I would have loved to feel loved by my husband I do not know how it feels like when your husband take you out for dinner, or speak to you with effection, how sad is that. From his wife he denies this but for the prostitutes he gives it freely. I have no respect left for him at all and I do not see it in me to stay, I hoped and prayed that he might change, I stayed to let my kids grow up in a family, but now I do not see any other way , other than leave with the children. But I am sad for them, they deserved better than this. May Allah give me guidance.
    2 points
  6. This is mainly because their scholars choose to either hide the truth, deny or misinterpret it. Plus you'll notice how they don't like these 'touchy subjects'. I am talking about the ones that have to do with the Muslims paying allegiance to Imam Ali (عليه السلام) before Rasullulah (sawas) passed away, the Fadak of Fatima (عليه السلام), the war between Aisha and Imam Ali etc., You have them saying one thing yet their own books say another.
    2 points
  7. 7ssein @7ssein "1. Go to the time of the Prophet. 2. Ask who the caliph should be after him. 3. Record him saying "Ali". 4. Share video everywhere".
    2 points
  8. Quisant

    Amazon Fires

    Unfortunately a large part of humanity doesn't seem to care... American Indian saying: When all the Land is Barren and all the Forests are burned When all the rivers are poisoned and all the fish taken from the sea people will realise they cannot eat money. We do not inherit this Earth from our ancestors, We have it on loan from our grandchildren. ws. *
    2 points
  9. Also entrepreneurial. I visit Egypt every year and I have seen many Syrians settled there since the war and have set up successful businesses like bakeries and patisseries, doing really well. Much to some locals being jelly, but it just shows the opportunities are there for those willing to take the risk and work hard. Syrian bread is a lot nicer than the coarse, gritty local baladi variety anyway. No offense to any Masry users (if there are any). Ta7ya masr.
    2 points
  10. Syrian people are smart, like all the Syrian people I know are genius but they don’t know English.
    2 points
  11. We can't win, can we. Homosexual acts are always haram, no matter what. Abusing people, even sinners, also is haram. Mentioning that their acts are a sin is not abuse. Fine, I'll close this one too. It'll make everyone unhappy either way.
    2 points
  12. Uhhh I wasnt raised to lower my standards of hijab just because a man looked at me... and I'm sure all the women here would agree that their God-fearing parents would not instill such values in them, or "programme" them in such a way.
    2 points
  13. Men give women the confirmation, not the other way around, so why are you telling sisters to cover their feet, why aren't you telling us men to sort out our lust? Seems to me that when it boils down to it, your argument is that women are still the problem not the men. Us men give the confirmation, but it's the woman's fault for accepting that confirmation? I'm not trying to be funny, but which women do you think perverted men in Muslim countries lust after, women in hijabs and abayas or women with no hijab and strap tops? You're preaching to Muslim women who let's be honest do a commendable job of getting through life without being attacked, they observe hijab in a time when it's easier not to. They do their best. You won't go and tell non-Muslim women and non-Muslim men what you just told us though, will you? They are after all the ones who influence Muslim men and Muslim women. It's easier to lecture the easy targets. Muslim women are easy targets to all sorts of garbage being thrown at them and I think they deserve some credit where it's due and they deserve a break as well.
    2 points
  14. While there is certainly a point to be made about sometimes going into far too much of an extreme against Shirazis or cults that form in his name - whether he is associated to them or not- it is undeniable there is a lot of Dhalalah coming from that crowd. Yasser al-Habib, the son in law of Sadiq Shirazi, has not just 'cursed', by the way. He has belittled and maligned Ulema, called certain companions homosexuals and gone into depth about male-fluid (i can't repeat) which have been translated into Indonesian and spread in Indonesia - a country hostile to Shias already. It has made the rounds globally and has caused incredible carnage in various forms. His videos celebrating the death-day of wives of the Prophet (saw) and vitriolic lectures without any sense of rationality at best, and clutching at sources the consensus is not even upon, is ludicrous. Furthermore, he , like Saudi-Arabia, is not just someone who makes 'academic' criticism against Iran, but wholesale has launched in propaganda par on par with Saudi-Arabia to abuse, demonise, malign , twist and distort. The same applies to Tawhidi , who is and was beloved by the Media - in his early days at least- for writing various articles against Iran, calling them oppressive, tyrants, the cause of much blood and carnage and the like - all mirroring the propaganda parroted by Saudi Arabia. Furthermore, he promotes the same pathetic, weak and unacceptable claim the wife of the Prophet (saw) was promiscuous before marrying him, and after marrying him and was a prolific adulteress. Put aside the support of the Shirazi group for abusing and for self-mutilation rituals on men, women and children, the issue is far deeper. Let's not have a straw man here and put across the idea these are sane, respectable individuals who just differ on jurisprudence and make fair academic criticisms. The problem is much deeper and the argument against them far more compelling.
    2 points
  15. Doesn't the whole process of conception to birth show evolution in an incredibly fast rate? Sperm -> Fetus -> Baby
    1 point
  16. A Syrian refugee who started her GCSEs last year with no knowledge of English has achieved a string of top results. Haneen Al-Ghazawi, 17, gained the highest 9 grade in philosophy, theology and ethics and Arabic, as well as grade 8 in maths, biology, chemistry and physics at Bede Academy in Blyth, Northumberland. This summer she has taken part in a medicine summer school at Cambridge University and will now study A-levels in physics, chemistry, biology and maths. She said: ‘During the exams I only got four or five hours sleep a night so it was a lot of work. ‘I loved Cambridge, it was just great and I really want to go there to study medicine.’ Haneen left Syria in 2012 with her mother Maha and younger brother Anas to escape the war. Their father had died and they spent six years in Jordan before they moved to Blyth. She was described as ‘a fine role model for young students’ after she supported other Syrian students in their transition to school life in the United Kingdom. She said: ‘I have been in that place and I know how life is for them so I have tried to help. ‘My mother was not allowed to work in Jordan, it is very expensive there and university places for medicine are kept for Jordanians, so we couldn’t stay. ‘We are happy in the United Kingdom.’ Her mother Maha said: ‘She likes to learn and she has a very good opportunity here to become a doctor.’ Principal Andrew Thelwell said: ‘The dedication and tenacity demonstrated by Haneen has resulted in exceptional achievement. ‘She has made a great impact on the lives of students here and we are delighted she is staying on in our sixth form.’ https://metro.co.United Kingdom/2019/08/22/top-gcse-marks-syrian-refugee-came-United Kingdom-not-able-speak-english-10615599/?ito=cbshare
    1 point
  17. The 23rd of August was the pagan Roman festival day for their fable Vulcan - idoI of fire. The idol name from which the word 'volcano' comes from. lt is also the day in the year 79CC that Vesuvius began 'stirring'. So much for the towns of Stabiae, Oplontis, Herculaneum and Pompeii. Ironic . . . ain't it.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Akbar673

    Amazon Fires

    20% of the Planet's oxygen is produced by the Amazon. If that doesn't make us understand the importance of the Amazon, then I don't know what can? If we don't take care of the enviornment, then we're only killing ourselves and our progeny. If the course of action that humanity is heading down regarding the ignorance of the importance of the enviornment then I weep for future generations to come because the quality of life will be devastatingly bad. The Zuhoor will happen when it happens, but what type of quality of life will be present at that time?
    1 point
  20. Thank you so much, I really appreciate it.
    1 point
  21. 3wliya_maryam

    Amazon Fires

    day of judgement is close
    1 point
  22. Sister79

    Hard to walk away

    I have to say the there is lots of truth in what you wrote, and it is nice actually to hear it from the man side. Firstly the loss of money highly impacted him, it has almost left us bankrupt, and I had to return to live with my family for 1,5 years with 2kids at that time we had only 2 children, in order to save money on running a home. Most of his so called friends cut him off because he was no longer in the same financial condition as them. The other thing about me, as a woman I have needs, I work very hard for our family, and I have to say for his family as well, for years I was the one who held his family together, his siblings like to fight with each other and I took the role of being the peacekeeper, so I always gathered them in my house cooked lunch, etc, anytime I was there when somone was sick, or needed help with kids. I was happy doing this. But because of his previous money troubles he got very unhappy about spending money, and our greatest enemy, our eyes are started working. My eyes started to notice, what my sister in laws got, new clothes new gold new house etc. Although I have never spoke about it inside me I was screaming, please reward me, with anything, with a box of chocolate, a flower, anything, but nothing came. I think that is the point I felt that he does not care about me. About the kids, you are spot on as well, we have 3 girls and 1 boy, so as our relation started to fall apart I looked at my girls and I made a mission of mine to educate them to the highest level, in my mind I said I will let them to have a a great degree a great job to be independent, so if they are married and their husband is not good, they have a choice to walk away. I have achieved, but it's mean that basically I am sitting and teaching them for hours. My first child is on a national register for being highly gifted and talented, but the same time, she is child with behaviour problems. So yes basically there is truth in what you wrote except, I never ever involved my family, they have no clue whatsoever, my father wasn't blessed with a son, and he loves my husband as his own, he calls him my son, I have never had the heart to tell him that actually he might not be as great as he thinks,so that part is not involved in this matter. Right know as I am looking back, I do not know how to feel anymore, very very confused.
    1 point
  23. https://www.counterpunch.org/2019/08/23/the-war-on-indigenous-people-is-a-war-on-the-biosphere-itself/
    1 point
  24. wE'd AlL bE sPeAkInG gErMaN bY NoW
    1 point
  25. Congratulations to the ShiaChat member of the week! @7ssein https://www.shiachat.com/forum/topic/235035410-shiachat-member-of-the-week/?page=5&tab=comments#comment-3236450
    1 point
  26. Abu Hadi

    Hard to walk away

    Salam, Just so you can clear yourself from your side, let me run through the most common issues, from the women's side, that cause the marriage to spiral downward. If none of these apply to you or your marriage, that is fine, but please, please, please, be honest with yourself about this. Intro: 99% of men, unless they are actually insane, or completely evil (both of which are very rare and we should not assume our spouse is one of these without good evidence) are reacting to a situation in the marriage. What I am trying to say, the actions don't come from nowhere. Their reaction may be disproportionate or inappropriate to the situation, though. Most common are. 1. Loss of wealth, position, reputation cause them to lose confidence in themselves, I.e. affect their sense of self worth. The husband or wife lose their job or their reputation in the community is destroyed or damaged. This becomes the catalyst for their actions to change, they become less religious, lose faith in Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى), then start to do things (haram) which they didn't do previously, then these actions start to have consequences and the spiral continues downward. Loss of wealth, position, reputation doesn't always cause this effect, but it is a common one, especially for men and some women also. 2. Wife is passive / aggressive toward husband. This is the most common issue I have seen, at least in Muslim marriages from the wife's side and the most common cause of the downward spiral. The wife is not happy with something in the marriage, where they live, his career choice, his family, his character / morals. So instead of confronting the husband directly and talking about these things, she does things to 'get back' at him deliberately, things that might she knows will 'push his buttons' and will annoy him. When she sees that these actions are not having the effects she wants, she will escalate and do things that are haram but acceptable within her circle, like for example denying herself to him sexually for not a good reason. 3. Wife interjects her family into the marriage in inappropriate ways. 4. Wife is overly concerned with her kids and other family members and makes her husband feel as if he is the 'last' priority in her life. All of these things have the same effect, which is the husband feels that he is an alien in his own house. Especially if he is the breadwinner / sole earner, he will feel as if he is facilitating a house and a family that doesn't respect him and has no concern for his needs or his feelings. So the natural course is that he will find ways to feel comfortable / needed / happy outside the home and then he will eventually see the home as an alien world which will eventually lead to the home breaking apart. That is why I said you and your husband need to make efforts to find a mediator that can figure out what is the root cause of the situation and fix it. It is very hard to do this for you and him alone, because you are in the middle of a situation and probably cannot see the situation objectively. Salam.
    1 point
  27. Allahumma salli ala muhammadiw wa Ali muhammadin wa ajjil faraja hum Rabbinee lima anzalta ilayya min khayrin faqir Audhu billahi minash shaytanir rajeem دع كل الشتائم ضدي تُعاد سبعة أضعاف. Astaghfirillah Ya Allah, protect my sister from further harm and abuse
    1 point
  28. The conspiracies will end when Ayatollah Shirazi distances himself and stops protecting this deranged peon of an "Imam"
    1 point
  29. That's not even what this thread is about. The thread is about Imam Tawhidi (la'nah on him), and it's good so people know his true face. Individual comments can be removed by Mods (if they feel the need to) but why lock this whole thread?
    1 point
  30. There's no special du'a, Allah doesn't need special du'as, He wants us to be sincere, so if you truly want to return to Him do it with complete sincerity. Speak from your own heart in your supplications and not from the heart of others. You know you did wrong, but knowing isn't the end of the story, you must put that knowledge into use and this is wisdom. Make a conscious effort to repent and stay firm, it won't be easy, you will hit walls and stumble over at times but Allah loves the patient, so you must be patient with yourself.
    1 point
  31. The seven parts of the body are: - the hands used for doing the work of Allah(سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) - the feet used for going to the places where Allah(سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) is worshipped - the mouth used to glorify Allah(سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) - ears for listening to the glorification of Allah(سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) - eyes used for seeing the beauty of the Creation - the genitals to be protected from the unlawful use through modesty values - the stomach to be guarded against the storage of what is forbidden Insha'Allah
    1 point
  32. Why aren’t there any new threads all of a sudden ?
    1 point
  33. https://www.shiachat.com/forum/topic/235062085-ex-Shia-Hassan-shemrani-mentions-shiachat-in-youtube-video/?do=findComment&comment=3219611
    1 point
  34. notme

    Hard to walk away

    According to my marja, a married man needs permission of his wife before taking a second (or subsequent) wife who is non-Muslim. It's generally safe to assume that prostitutes are not Muslim, nor even probably Ahlul Kitab. Marriage, even temporary, is fine. Deception, exposure to risk of infection, and lying about her to his friends is not fine at all. And most likely his marriages are invalid anyway.
    1 point
  35. So you're saying that society has this vendetta against women and women are helpless flailing little dolls that have no mind of their own that they use to disassociate from the satisfaction of being admired by men and maintaining hijab? Men might be helpless in the face of their desires, but I assure you, women have enough self respect and pride and fear of Allah in order to be able to maintain the required level of hijab, regardless of how many men look at them.
    1 point
  36. This is one aspect of our replies to you. [people knowingly perverting]
    1 point
  37. notme

    Ate/Eating/Will Eat?

    Eating: ice cream, locally hand made butter pecan.
    1 point
  38. Actially since Adam (عليه السلام). Dunno the exact number of years.
    1 point
  39. I think it is important to draw a distinction between Marjaiyat (the system of following a learned and just Islamic Scholar) and Wilayat Al Faqih. Marjaiyyat has been around in Shia school of thought since the time of the beginning of Ghaib Al Kubra(the greater occultation) for more than 1000 years. As most Shia agree (almost 100%), you cannot follow the religion correctly according to teaching of Ahl Al Bayt(a.s) unless either 1) You are mujtahid yourself(i.e. able to deduce religious rulings on specific issues based on Quran and Authentic Hadith) 2) You follow a Marjaa'. The Shia school of though in the time of Ghaib Al Kubra is based on the system of Marjaiyyat. The concept of Wilayat Al Faqih combines the system of Marjaiyyat with the executive functions of government (Sultanat) and makes the claim that a just and knowledgeable scholar who is the most eminently qualified in these areas, in addition to assuming the role of Marja', should also assume the role of head of executive branch of government. This concept has been debated amoung scholars for a long time, and was extended and put into practice by Imam Khomeni(ra). My main problem with YH and his like are not that they don't accept the system of WF and don't like the government of Iran currently lead by Imam Khameni(ha). My problem is that they constantly curse the three plus Aisha, which leads to deaths and other physical harm to our Shia brothers and sisters in other parts of the world, and they know that this harm is a direct result of their actions yet they keep doing it. The other problem is that they attack other scholars and marjaa' without clear evidence or justification.
    1 point
  40. I am not Shirazi, nor am I anti-Iran but someone please answer this question. If Sayyid Sadeq Shirazi is linked to MI6 or paid by the UK to spread fitna and people are certain of that, why has the Islamic Republic not arrested him? Why would they let him preach freely if they knew he was the agent of an enemy country? Would any government do that? It's so frustrating when supporters of Sunni-Shia unity make such brilliant, eloquent and logical arguments against the extremism of figures like Yasser Habib but then insist on throwing in a "British agent" conspiracy theory at the end that they can provide zero evidence for, thus damaging their credibility as a whole.
    1 point
  41. Whether or not you are pro WF or support or don't support the Islamic Republic of Iran, please don't be naive. That is all I am asking. The main threat right now to US Hegemony over the Middle East is WF and system of Marjaa'. This is well documented and well know. WF is the system right now with the largest number of followers, so it makes perfect sense that this system would be targeted by forces which seek to divide muslims and particularly divide Shias and make them fight each other. If you accept this premise, an obvious premise to me, then you should refrain from doing things and saying things which will help this cause (of dividing the Shia). Imam Khamenei himself says in his Resalat that if you disagree with the system of WF on intellectual grounds, and you have an intellectual basis for this, then that is perfectly fine and not haram or a crime or anything, but he is asking those who disagree with him to not cause civil unrest and strife which would do damage to the lives and wealth of the people. There are many supporters of Sayyid Shirazi in the area where I live. I have not ever said one negative thing about them, nor have I said anything negative about Sayyid Ammar. , although I disagree with them. If we could keep the discussion civil and refrain from getting into arguments which lead to bad consequences, then that in itself is a slap in the face to the Tagut and enemies of Islam and I think Rasoulallah(p.b.u.h) and Imam Ali(a.s) would be please with us in that case. Salam.
    1 point
  42. @Ashvazdanghe @IbnSina @shiasoldier786 Not only are they really general but "marg bar" doesn't translate in English, the closest thing to it is "Death to". Again, most Americans don't know history well and all they see is a bunch of angry people in some third world country screaming death to their homes, friends and family. It's not mind-blowing, it makes from their perspective, what's mind-blowing is Ibn Sina thinking that the average American would know what "marg bar amerika" means or bother to read Iranian history like shiasoldier suggested.
    1 point
  43. While you theorize this, I can 100% confirm that in my 20 years of living in the US, only 1 person has asked me about tatbir and over 20 have asked me about the "Death to America" chants. Agreed. Ammar had become politically active in the US. I think there is another PAC called UMMAH or something. That is the one he was associated with. You entire statement is predicated on "If they wish to know what it means...". All they see on TV is some foreign country hates us. Very few people dig into why. Tatbir and "Death to America" were mentioned in the video. With regards to tatbir, they even mentioned how negative it portrays us. So my argument is simple. If we are stop everything that makes us looks bad, then let's stop with the chants first. And as I told IR, I can 100% confirm that in my 20 years of living in the US, only 1 person has asked me about tatbir and over 20 have asked me about the "Death to America" chants. I have nothing but respect for Ayatollah Khamenei. I was talking about the Islamic Pulse folks. I have dealt with some of them. That's all. Lumping SAN in the same group as Shirazi, Al-Habib is ample evidence brother...
    1 point
  44. Salam, The main problem with this video is that it presents a false dichotomy. It reflects the intellectal laziness of people. People tend to divide everything to black and white and not care for the vast gray area. In this video, one group/side was labelled evil, while the other group was labelled as righteous. However, these aren't the only two options available. Perhaps both group are deviants. Or perhaps each group is correct on some issues and incorrect on some other issues. At the end of the day, it is up to each individual to study the ahadith of Ahlul Bayt (as), distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable ahadith, then determine what Ahlul Bayt (as) have taught us. As much I liked this video for the information that it provided, I disliked it for simplifying the issue and paiting a false dischotomy. It only perpetuates the intellectual laziness of the Umma.
    1 point
  45. Our Shia brethren in south Lebanon were also massacred by the Zionists. Israel's oppression isn't limited to Palestine, they have no defined borders, they occupy not just Palestine but the Syrian Golan and had it not been for Hezbollah, they would've also occupied Lebanon and God knows what else had they not failed. In addition, Israel is an imperialist entity in the Middle East, zionists have infiltrated politics and the media in the West to such a degree that they have managed to buy politicians and sway the public to fight wars that aren't necessarily good for the west but good for Israel. AIPAC lobbied for the Iraq invasion, they lobbied to bomb Syria, they even advocated false flag operations to start a war with Iran. Israel is a rogue nation whose existence relies on keeping anyone that opposes its actions in turmoil and endless war. Look at the statements they've made about Syria, things like they don't want ISIS defeated there or they'd treat AQ fighters in their hospitals because they would help counter Iran and Hezbollah. Wahhabis are a problem without a doubt, but the Zionists that exploit them for their own interests are just as bad. Two sides of the same coin.
    1 point
  46. We see the video and we cringe at the sheikh smiling, however we were not there, and if we were sitting in the sheikh's position and seeing the faces of the audience, if they were smiling then we might instinctively smile back.
    1 point
  47. They're saying this now because he is gaining popularity. At the time he made that video, barely anyone knew who he was.
    1 point
  48. JazakAllah i have already heard of him. I was looking for additional speakers, though he is great too.
    1 point
  49. Verse by verse is not the only methodological way. I think Shia scholars prefer subject by subject
    1 point
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