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Punish Muslim Day Event
A Muslim Artist and 4 others reacted to Heavenly_Silk for a topic
5 points -
The first creation of Allah is His will (mashi’a). The mashi’a is a created light that operates on the realm of the creation and interacts with the rest of creation. Since the mashi’a is subject to change and affect, it is separate from His Unified and Unknowable Essence. علي بن إبراهيم، عن أبيه، عن ابن أبي عمير، عن عمر بن اذينة، عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: خلق الله المشيئة بنفسها ثم خلق الاشياء بالمشيئة. Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq (as) said, “Allah created the will (mashi’a) by its self. Then, He created the things by the will.” The mashi’a is one entity (ذات بسيطة) with four degrees (معلقات). These four degrees are His will (mashi’a), His desire (irada), His determining (qadr), and His actualization (qada). 3يا يونس تعلم ما؛ المشيئة قلت لا قال هي الذکر الاول فتعلم ما الارادة قلت لا قال هي العزيمة على ما يشاء فتعلم ما القدر قلت لا قال هي الهندسة و وضع الحدود من البقاء و الفناء قال ثم قال و القضاء هو الابرام و اقامة العين Imam ar-Rida (as) said, “O Yunus! Do you know what the will (mashi’a) is?” Yunus said, “No.” Imam ar-Rida (as) said, “It is the first utterance (الذکر الاول). So do you know what the wish (الارادة) is?” He said, “No.” The Imam said, “It is the invitation to what He wants. So do you know what determining (qadr) is?” He said, “No.” The Imam said, “It is designing and organizing the parameters from beginning to end. And actualization (qada) is the confirmation and the establishment of the thing.” The mashi’a and the desire (irada) both denote the same object. However, when used together, they refer to different degrees within the mashi’a’s process. The first degree is the wish for a thing, the second degree is the assertion of that wish, the third degree is the organization of the parameters needed to bring about that wish, and the fourth degree is its execution. All of these levels are really one process, but in our understanding, it takes place in four stages. Mashi’a is a unity of action (fi`l) and reception (infi`al). While irada, qadr, and qada are masculine activities, the mashi’a is feminine in its receptivity to all of these active phases. This way, the mashi’a constitutes both self-acting and self-receiving. This reality is called the Great Depth (العمق الأكبر). Shaykh Ahmad al-Ahsa’i uses the term “the Kaf that Encircles Itself” (الكاف المستديرة على نفسها) to describe the duality of the mashi’a, because a circled letter Kaf resembles the yin-yang, and a yin-yang represents the complementary nature of contrary forces. The mashi’a is compared to Adam and Eve, the first promulgators of their species, through whose dimorphic reproduction all people came into existence. There are two types of divine actions (ja`l ilahi) in the Quran: formative action (جعل تكويني) and designative action (جعل تشريعي). Formative action refers to creating, establishing, and building. Allah says, “[He] who made (ja`ala) for you the earth as a bed and the sky as a ceiling” (2:22). Designative action refers to divine selection and legislation. Allah says, “Allah has made the Ka`ba, the Sacred House, an establishment for mankind.” (5:97) These two actions are further duplicated inversely in a dialectical process, which we will describe later. The mashi’a exists on the sempiternal plain (سرمد), which is a created level of infinity that is beyond the rest of creation. Allah, however, is Eternal (أزل), and therefore beyond sempiternity. In Allah’s Essence (ذات), there is no action; and He is beyond understanding. In the hierarchy of creation, the mashi’a is the first barrier (hijab), and there is nothing beyond it.3 points
Alim Al Barzakh - The Intermediate World
ireallywannaknow and 2 others reacted to Abu Hadi for a topic
Salam, I have been watching this very well done, in depth, and informative lecture series by Maulana Rizwi in Toronto. I will post the videos here. If anyone has questions or would like to discuss, please post on this thread. It is rare to find lectures of this caliber and detail on this topic in English.3 points -
Hijabi sister attacked in Dearborn
PureExistence1 and 2 others reacted to Sirius_Bright for a topic
Positive thing: It was good to see everyone coming forward to defend Muslim woman from that scumbag.3 points -
Why is woman in quotations?3 points
Thoughts 2018
Hameedeh and 2 others reacted to ali_fatheroforphans for a topic
Congratulations to all fellow Shias on the birth of Imam Ali (as).3 points -
Accomplishments Of Ali, Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman...
ali_fatheroforphans and 2 others reacted to ShiaMan14 for a topic
Salaam. Congratulations to momineen and mominaat on this auspicious occasion of the birth of our first Imam (as).3 points -
A Comprehensive Compilation of Reliable Narrations
Intellectual Resistance and 2 others reacted to Abu Nur for a topic
JazakAllah Khayran Brother, May Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى bless you and give you mercy. You are in my prayers.3 points -
Would you marry her?
Tamy and one other reacted to PureExistence1 for a topic
As salaamun aleikum, few points here. There are many things to take into consideration here, and as always, there are exceptions and outliers. One of the things is, many people who are still young and virgin themself, want someone of the same standing as them, and this is understandable. May Allah grant them their wishes. Another type of people don't care too much, and say it's okay if it was done in a Halal manner. Then there are the older ones who have lived life long enough to understand that this is not something that has so much importance in and of itself to obsess over. Ultimately, no matter the situation, what IS is important is having good deen, aklaq, and all the other aspects of our religion There are Converts that come to Islam who have a past, but the important thing here is that they have changed their lives around. It is always better to be honest. The Quran verse that says clean men for clean women and vise versa is not to be boiled down to only the physical aspect of purity as that of virginity being the soul identifying factor of being pure. However, in choosing a spouse for permanent marriage, the 2 people must be well balanced in many aspects, like their level of practice, future goals, children, hobbies/interests, education and many other factors, not just virginity, but it is the responsibility of each person to be be brutally honest WITH THEMSELVES regarding if they are sincerely able to committ to a marriage where the 2 do mot match exactly in one or more of these areas, including with someone who has had other relationships in the past. One more point id like to make is that Islam is an all incompassing religion, meaning, it IS and HAD to be designed to accomodate ALL types of people, including the "weakest link" in the chain, please excuse the expression. What i mean by this is, on average and at the very basic level, most men are not going to be driven absolutely and uncontrollably crazy by a woman bearing her hair, or her ankle, wrist, etc, but do you know who is? The man (or even woman) who is maybe not completely mentally stable and does not have strong impulse control, or the person who is compromised already by too much other stresses, or maybe the young man who has not learned effective sexual restraint methods to practice, or maybe the young woman who had a bad childhood and throughout her life has struggled with self esteem issues who unfortunately needs a mans "approval" to feel validated, etc. prior to converting to Islam, and last but not least, the couple who are older and know not EVERY couple can have a successdul marriage so before diving in, decide to engage in mutah to really find out their compatibility before going permanent and possibly making a huge life and community altering mistake.There are many other types of people and situations, and alhamdulilah Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى devised a system that has not omitted a single possibility and provided mutah as a halal means to address these people and circumstances, so we should be carefull before we doubt why it is part of our religion or if it is morally wrong according to our personal opinions. W/s2 points -
Hawza's education on mysticism
PureExistence1 and one other reacted to eThErEaL for a topic
Salam, Such people as Rumi and Ibn Arabi would consider themselves to be slaves of the Prophet (S) and his family (as). They may not have been Shia in form and in outward activity, but they were certainly Shi’a in their hearts or else they would not be seeing Prophet (S) or Anbiya (as) in their waking states with their eyes and learning from them.2 points -
Imamate after Imam Mahdi
MustafaMc and one other reacted to Ashvazdanghe for a topic
He is ruling right now & there Is no doubt about it ,Marajis are only gates & deputies & caretakers of Shia muslims until his reappearance which Inshaallah We will benefit from his complete shining.2 points -
Imamate after Imam Mahdi
MustafaMc and one other reacted to Ashvazdanghe for a topic
Salam it is a hadith from Imam Mahdi (aj) which during occultion shias must refer to Narrators of Hadiths which currently Marajis are these common deputies not private deputies of Imam Mahdi (aj) in principles of Shia Islam we must find it with ourselves only for Furu deen for everyday life &incidents we must choose a Marja wisely not blindly (Refference) in light of Quran & teachings& hadiths of Ahlul-Bayt (as) Happy birthday of Imam Ali (a.s) The born in Kaaba2 points -
So l again babysitted my nephew. He'II be 2years 8 months in ~ten days. Thursday, l carried some stuff up the steps for my little sister. l hit my forearm on something and it bled. l wrapped it in a table napkin until the bleeding stopped. So Friday, when l went over l rang the bell and then stepped over to the window he looks out of and peered in. He pulls back the blind and looks and has the eyes of his ugly uncle peering back at him. He jumps and starts squealing with laughter. Then he opens the door (his father had already unlocked it) and says, "Salamallikum, come in". He runs back to the TV, so when l get over there he says, "Amu, come" and l step over, he takes my arm and looks to where he knew l jaggedly cut myself and says, "OK". Then, when l was doing Dhur, l was reciting out loud and he matched and many words, like exactly on cue. First couple of sentences and when other words he knew came in time he said them at the same time as l did. For 3 surahs! But what really 'got me' was when his father got home and he stood there talking to him in Arabie and then talked to me in English and then back to Arabie.. He has only been transitioning from two-word speak to sentences for about 10 days now. Points at words in a book and asks me "That !". Strongly left-brained so far. Yet he prefers to eat with his left, holding the utensil like an adult at the every end, and holds a pen like an adult also with is left --but only scrawls. Now l got to start working on his spatial thinking. Hmmmm, maybe the of a 'mad scientist'.2 points
A Comprehensive Compilation of Reliable Narrations
Aquib Rizvi and one other reacted to Islamic Salvation for a topic
That is the end of كتاب الرجال (Book of Narrators) --- Next is كتاب التوحيد (Book of Divine Unity) - The blessed night of the Wilada of the Wasi - 13th Rajab 1439 AH2 points -
Probably your longest post in SC history...and it’s about Vitamin “D”enialism and sun shunning? Life is qualitative, not just a binary “alive” or “dead”. Vitamin D deficiency is well known to be associated with negative mood, immunosuppression, chronic pain, and the like. Also, more people live closer to the equator than near the poles. How did that happen?2 points
Laws on dress code LGBTQ+
Dreamcatcher and one other reacted to Abu Hadi for a topic
The people who openly practice homosexuality, even if they call themselves muslims(a) are considered fasiq from an Islamic perspective. Fasiq means someone who does haram openly and without considering it as haram. There are certain rules for dealing with such people. For example you are not allowed to enter business or contracts with them, you are not allowed to marry them, as sis Hameedeh said above, women are not allowed to uncover themselves in front of them (even if it is another women). For men also, the rules about dealing with other men (for example you are allowed to shake their hand, skin to skin contact on non awra areas) do not extend to men who are in this category, i.e. if you know someone is a homosexual you are to deal with them as you would deal with a non mahram women (in terms of fiqh issues). This only applies to those who openly announce themselves as homosexual.2 points -
i dont like living
Vindemiatrix and one other reacted to Hamodiii for a topic
Donya is not heaven, nor hell. It is between the both. You can experience hell here and heaven here depending on how good you are as a person. The fact that you are a human means you have an ability to choose whatever you want, that's the gift we got from Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى. The thing is... Hardships surely kills sins, if you are trying to get to him, he tests you with your struggles now. Instead of focusing on losing hope, try to ask Allah to not test you with tests that can lead you astray. Try to focus on your daily prayers and really, pray salat al layl. It has a lot of benefit despite the fact its not a wajib! Try not do sins through the day as well, not recommended. Regardless, hope you get through those struggles, Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى forgivess all sins! Don't try to get heavy, when Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى created you light.2 points -
Not Married? Keep Busy.
Heavenly_Silk reacted to Hameedeh for a topic
Not Married? Keep yourself busy! Please, instead of thinking how many unIslamic things there are in this video, just remember the good things.1 point -
Ashvazdanghe reacted to Rectify for a topic
I meant whilst reading the hadiths and understanding the hadiths and then rejecting nawroz is kuffar as it's the day Imam ali (as) saved many nations of past prophets (as) on this day. Also nawroz is a day when allegiance was given to Imam ali (as) by the SPECIAL companions. Yes at ghadeer all were present even the munafiqs but nawroz is exclusive to the special companions. Same with Imam mehdis emergence it will be exclusive to the special companions on nawroz. Yes ashura will be the official rising1 point -
Punish Muslim Day Event
PureExistence1 reacted to Islandsandmirrors for a topic
Whoever wrote this is obviously a hateful human being. May Allah guide that person.1 point -
Hijabi sister attacked in Dearborn
PureExistence1 reacted to Iraqi_Gladiator for a topic
Peace be upon you, sister. Yes, thankfully he is arrested and charged with assault. As for if he was an army veteran - Well, I don't think army veterans get knocked out with one hit, to be fair. And his body isn't that of an army veteran, seems to be a normal person (bodily), but an ill person (mentally). And as for the innocent woman, sadly, accounts say: "She’ll never probably be the same person again. She’s emotionally distressed. She’s always looking behind her to make sure she’s not going to get attacked again," May Allah protect her and protect all of the innocent women. And May Allah remove the fear out of her heart. Amen.1 point -
Iraqi_Gladiator reacted to Hameedeh for a topic
Salam. There are several methods of Istikhara. See these links: http://www.shiachat.com/forum/topic/41647-istikhaara/?do=findComment&comment=739836 https://www.al-islam.org/istikhara-seeking-the-best-from-Allah-muhammad-baqir-haideri1 point -
Thoughts 2018
Son of Placid reacted to ShiaMan14 for a topic
1 point -
A saying that could enrich you from a full-lecture
Nitidum reacted to Iraqi_Gladiator for a topic
A ruler of a country summoned a Shia man to his Maj'lis and told him: 'I will ask you a question and you have to answer me.' The Shia man said: 'Ask.' The ruler said: 'Why do you (prefer) Ali (Allah's peace and blessings be upon him and his family) over the Sah'abah (companions)?' The Shia man said: 'Bring me four empty cups, and some mud.' The ruler was surprised with the unusual request of the Shia man but he accepted the request and brought what The Shia man asked for. The Shia man polluted three cups with the mud and left one (to be clean), then he cleaned them (three times) - To when the cups were clean. And everyone is looking at him surprised from (what he is doing). He then asked: O' ruler, I ask you, if water is presented to you in these four cups, in which one would you drink?' The ruler said, 'I would obviously drink in the cup that hadn't been polluted.' Then the Shia man said: 'That's how we are with Ali (Allah's peace and blessings be upon him and his family), as he didn't get contaminated with the worshiping of idols and he didn't prostrate to an idol (ever), (he never prostrated to an idol). As for he Sahabah, their hearts had been polluted and contaminated with Polytheism and the worshiping of idols before Islam, and drinking wine.' The power of proof can enrich you from a long lecture! I hope this can help you in your debates with others, brothers and sisters.1 point -
1 point
Punish Muslim Day Event
Heavenly_Silk reacted to Mansur Bakhtiari for a topic
I know the average person won't think of this as funny or try to do any of this stuff, but what if a mentally ill or EXTREMELY hateful person attempted any of these horrible things? I know it's rare but just a while ago some schizophrenic muslim sent videos of himself threatening to kill Tommy Robinson's family, so it's possible someone could do this. Just a question for brothers and sisters in the UK, was this very widespread? I'm just wondering if it's just in a small area or all over the country.1 point -
Whoever Curses Ali, Curses Me
Muslim2010 reacted to Urwatul Wuthqa for a topic
https://www.al-islam.org/shiite-encyclopedia-ahlul-bayt-dilp-team/muawiyah-and-abusing-imam-ali1 point -
1 point
Ayat tatheer was revealed for wives authentic?
Muslim2010 reacted to Urwatul Wuthqa for a topic
There is a difference between hadith & personal opinion of ikramah or anyother person. Hadith cannot contradicts with the verses of Quran. You like the personal opinion of ikramah therefore you're calling it hadith.1 point -
Laws on dress code LGBTQ+
PureExistence1 reacted to Abu Hadi for a topic
Yes. It only applies to those who openly practice the homosexual lifestyle and also do not consider it haram to do this. Attraction to the same sex (gender) by itself does not make a person fasiq. In fact, someone with this attraction could be considered a mumin (highest level of faith) so long as they do not act on it. Everyone is tested in this life with a proclivity to one haram or another.1 point -
Is Jehovah Witness A Mushrik?
Ashvazdanghe reacted to Arminmo for a topic
By historian evidences that exists, In this verse the word “those” is talking about both OT and NT. (It’s in plural, so not just Torah) Quran 3:187 And [mention, O Muhammad], when Allah took a covenant from “those” who were given the Scripture, [saying], "You must make it clear to the people and not conceal it." But they threw it away behind their backs and exchanged it for a small price. And wretched is that which they purchased.1 point -
ShiaChat Mod reacted to Ashvazdanghe for a topic
As Imam Ali (as) each day we don't disobey Allah is Eid (celebration ) Also he said make every day for us Nowruz (Eid) .... Specially this Nowruz completed with birthday of Imam Ali (as) thus this Nowruz has more Islamic atmosphere. Anyway the traditional Nowruz celebration will end this Monday. But Islamic celebration of Rajab & Ramadan will continue, personaly I can't wait for coming of Ramadan1 point -
My family
ali_fatheroforphans reacted to King for a topic
People change and have different priorities. Perhaps they do not get much value out of these events anymore. You cannot dictate how others should live their lives. There is not much you can do really.1 point -
Is Jehovah Witness A Mushrik?
Jer reacted to Ashvazdanghe for a topic
وَإِنَّ مِنْهُمْ لَفَرِيقًا يَلْوُونَ أَلْسِنَتَهُم بِالْكِتَابِ لِتَحْسَبُوهُ مِنَ الْكِتَابِ وَمَا هُوَ مِنَ الْكِتَابِ وَيَقُولُونَ هُوَ مِنْ عِندِ اللَّـهِ وَمَا هُوَ مِنْ عِندِ اللَّـهِ وَيَقُولُونَ عَلَى اللَّـهِ الْكَذِبَ وَهُمْ يَعْلَمُونَ ﴿٧٨﴾ And lo! there is a party of them who distort the Scripture with their tongues, that ye may think that what they say is from the Scripture, when it is not from the Scripture. And they say: It is from Allah, when it is not from Allah; and they speak a lie concerning Allah knowingly. (78) http://tanzil.net/#trans/en.pickthall/3:78 The late Allameh Tabatabai also believes that the phrase is understood to want to make a record that it is difficult to record, recite and understand the Qur'an, and that it refers to the truth of the Quran in a protected tablet, that is, if the Quran is with It remained with God and it did not put it in Arabic and read it as it is now, that fact was taller than the ordinary understanding of human beings accessed, so God, by rejecting that transcendental truth in the language of the Prophet Which was Arabic, it was easy to understand and useful to mankind. [20] Therefore, it is clear that the cited verses not only do not have an interest in the non-divine words of the Qur'an, but on the contrary, with careful consideration, there can be evidence of the divinity of the Qur'anic verses along with such interpretations as reading, reciting, tretyl, the Word of God, etc. It is clear that the words are readable and recited, not meanings and concepts, and, on the other hand, "the employment of these interpretations in terms of the Arabic language only narrates the words of others in such a way that the words and Both meanings are from the other, and the narrator merely recites it or reads it and does not give it anything. "[21] https://hawzah.net/fa/Magazine/View/5211/7150/87176/آیا-متن-قرآن-از-جانب-خداست لَتَجِدَنَّ أَشَدَّ النَّاسِ عَدَاوَةً لِّلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا الْيَهُودَ وَالَّذِينَ أَشْرَكُوا ۖ وَلَتَجِدَنَّ أَقْرَبَهُم مَّوَدَّةً لِّلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا الَّذِينَ قَالُوا إِنَّا نَصَارَىٰ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ بِأَنَّ مِنْهُمْ قِسِّيسِينَ وَرُهْبَانًا وَأَنَّهُمْ لَا يَسْتَكْبِرُونَ ﴿٨٢﴾ Latajidanna ashadda alnnasi AAadawatan lillatheena amanoo alyahooda waallatheena ashrakoo walatajidanna aqrabahum mawaddatan lillatheena amanoo allatheena qaloo inna nasara thalika bianna minhum qisseeseena waruhbanan waannahum layastakbiroona (82) Surely thou wilt find the Jews and those who associate the bitterest of mankind in enmity toward those who believe. And surely thou wilt find the highest in affection to those who believe those who say: we are Nazarenes. That is, because among them are divines and monks and because they are not stiff-necked. (82) http://tanzil.net/#trans/en.daryabadi/5:821 point -
Punish Muslim Day Event
Islandsandmirrors reacted to Sisterfatima1 for a topic
Only a few idiots may think it’s funny but a majority of educated people won’t be stupid I’ve barely had anyone say anything to me in aus This is most likely how the person who wrote this looks like https://ibb.co/mWHL271 point -
Hameedeh reacted to Iraqi_Gladiator for a topic
Hi, Deanna. Imam Ali (Allah's peace and blessings be upon him and his family) said: 'Who wants to do (ist'ikhara) with The Holy Qur'an, reads 'Fatiha ul-Kitab three times, and al-Tawhid (al-Ikhlas) three times then says: 'Allahuma' in'i tawakalt'u ala'yka, wa' tafa'altu bikitabik'a al kareem, f'arini ma 'ho'a maktub fe siri'ka' 'al maknun, wa' fe gh'aybik'a al' maknun 'ya dha'l Jalal wa al' Ikram.' Then opens The Holy Qur'an and counts 7 pages, and from the seventh page, from it's second side (the left), counts seven lines, and (looks) at the first letter in the seventh line. 'Al'if: (Good, and happiness and pleasure and (success). B'aa: (He sees good benefits, and is protected from whom he is fearful from). T'aa: (If he was in guilt or in a sin, he is forgiven for it) Th'aa: (He is given the good of the life and the afterlife) J'eem: (He sees good benefits, in what he is determined (to do) H'aa: (He is given good (halal) from where he doesn't know) Kh'aa: (Don't go it is a bad matter) D'aal: (He is given what he wants, and he acquires/gets happens) Dh'aal: (He overcomes his enemies) R'aa: (He prevails (wins) over his folk or people) Za'i: (He falls into dispute and danger, so let (him) give Sa'daqa or money to the poor) Se'en: (He is given happiness and goodness) Sh'een (He is feared for enemies or people fear for him from his enemies) Saa'd: (He falls into a great matter, let him give Sa'daaqa) Dh'aad: (He becomes wealthy) T'aa: (He sees taw'feeq (success) in the life and in the afterlife) Dh'aa (It shows in the matter what was hidden) A'yen (He is helped in his matter and is successful) Gha'yn (He falls into an intense/great matter, let him give sadaqaa) F'aa (He is reunioned after parting) Q'af (He becomes happy and accepted amidst the believers) K'af (He falls into dispute, let him give sadaaqa) Lam (His matter becomes easier, and prevails over his enemies) Mem (Forewarn him that he doesn't fall into guilt or guiltiness) Nun (He becomes of (a great person) of acceptance and 'Jah) H'a (His matter stops (for a time); then after it is good) W'aw (He is given (money or wealth), and does not need anyone) Y'aa (He sees a good tiding)1 point -
How long can Muslims stay Muslims?
AbdusSibtayn reacted to Ashvazdanghe for a topic
Hi these groups were existed from beginning but every time they change their names but their attitude are the same.1 point -
Remember, that the most precious thing you own in this world is your heart, so don't
Hameedeh reacted to Heavenly_Silk for a status update
Remember, that the most precious thing you own in this world is your heart, so don't let anything taint your heart ~ Imam Zain ul Abideen (a.s).1 point -
Watu Wote, a short film (about 20 min) about Muslims protecting a Christian passenger on a bus (based on a true story). Recommend it if you find it. Trailer:1 point
Thanks for the link. I would have a Umrah + Ziyarat journey.1 point
Would you marry her?
A Muslim Artist reacted to Sayyid09 for a topic
The irony here is, many brothers would want a 'virgin' as their wives. But they perform (or would) Mutãh left, right and centre (if given the chance). I don't see a problem in it. If a sister has done mu'tah in the past, we shouldn't peer down at her. The 'past is in the past'. Define people by their actions they do in their present day and in their future. You cannot undo the done. Before people start nit-picking at others, they should look at their own actions and their own past. To summarise - It wouldn't bother me. What you have done is ordained as halāl and completely within the frame of Islam. There is nothing to be 'bothered about' in regards to your question and Insha'Allāh people look over this stigma we place on our sisters especially within this matter. (Note - this isn't an attack on any brothers or sisters (especially within this thread). It's just a general speculation). "And the women of purity are for men of purity and the men of purity are for women of purity.." [24:26 - Surāh al-Nür].1 point -
Dear child. Humans have biological needs and they come in many forms. A child like fantasy that the divines did not do X and Y has no relevance to the majority. Sexual abstinence does and cannot conform to all types of the human. If it is available they will take it, if not then it express it self in other forms. Be it self abuse or emotional dejection. Only with wisdom and age does the human has the ability to control such a transfer of energy. There are many here who do not agree with it, yet many of these are still single. Its not like women are throwing themselves to them. Mutah is practiced by certain personality types and I think we can assume it isnt the introverted ones.1 point
i dont like living
Hameedeh reacted to Chaotic Muslem for a topic
salam, it is ok, you are not alone. And it is not your fault. Something is simply not right that makes many people feel not good. But there are simple steps that can at least clarify your mind a bit and makes you focus again on living: school, social life and taking care of yourself until Allah decides when we should leave this world. Until then, we should wait elegantly. Start by cleaning your room. If it is clean, re arrange it again, just because. Try new hair cut or reward yourself with anything that is totally selfish. Nothing fancy but very personal. Go and walk, walk and walk and walk. Delete most of your social media accounts and apps, keep it to the least possible minimum. Enjoy old style conversations with family, friends or even strangers. Try to find that activity that will put your mind in trance state? That feeling when you were a kid , playing alone and is totally fine and enjoyable while making castle or the feeling of driving a car or bicycle on long road? idk what activity that put your brain in trance mode but try to find it and activate that mode. Finally, when you are ready, try to find a meaning in life. I do not mean a meaning of universe or why we exist, but a meaning in an activity : helping someone, developing your self, helping your family by helping yourself instead of becoming a burden on them, expressing the gifts that Allah gave you like skills or talents etc and finally: quit junk food, canned food, fast food , eat fresh food that has no hormonal alternating materials.1 point -
i dont like living
Hameedeh reacted to Ashvazdanghe for a topic
I recommend to watch this Date merchant Maytham Al Tamar(ra)1 point -
Salam Well, if someone snugg alcohol into your drink, then it really wasn't your fault! So if someone purposely made your clothes najis, without you even knowing, then your prayer is not void. Also, if your clothes could be containing najis or anything that makes your prayer a void, but it is dry, then it is here where I do not know whether it is a void or not. But since you wash them, EVEN BY HAND those clothes SHOULD be good to go. I know also a rule in which my Imam of the mosque told me. It was you cannot have sexual acts while fasting. If you do, then you pay kaffara! As for reading Quran, if you cant touch it but performing wudu, then it would only make sense to be pure of najis. Najis could also be blood, but I too aren't sure if it is still najis if it is dried up. To pure yourself from najis, then I could only say about the boys. They have to say, just like in their prayer "ani an AGSUL GISALATAN AL JANASA gurbatain ila lahi al ta3ala" then Allahu Akbar, then was the right side of the body and switch to the left side. But I do not know about how a woman should do it.1 point
naarey haidery!
Sulail Fatima reacted to Rizvi110 for a topic
Mashallah!!!!!!! Mashallah very nice bro Leso Shabash!!! As no one can narrate the full fizal of Ali (a.s.) phir bhi kuch aur yebhi hai Islaam ka waris Ali Ali Quran ka waris …….. Kaba-e-kawaris ……. Jannath ka waris ........ Kawsar ka waris …… Kinaat ka waris …….. Alaam ka waris …….. Tathir ka waris ……. Laulak ka waris ……. Aflak ka waris ……… Eimaan ka waris……. Momin ka waris ……. Kamzor ka waris ……. Yatheem ka waris ……. Shiaon ke waris ……. Hum sab ka waris …….. Nar-eeeeeeeeeeeee Haiderrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyy Ya Aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1 point -
naarey haidery!
Sulail Fatima reacted to Nida_e_Zahra for a topic
leso....u sure ur not frm Lucknow??? :wub: :wub: lol naraaaaaaaaeeeeeeee haiderrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yaaaa aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :D :D :D1 point