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In the Name of God بسم الله
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Ideas about modern issues from an Islamic perspective.

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Culture and colonialism

I came across the following about the British poet Basil Bunting:   https://academic.oup.com/res/article/74/315/389/7103434?login=false   I pasted that into Chatgpt and asked, "Are there other people who simultaneously interacted with middle eastern culture while at the same time aiding Britain's colonial enterprise?"   It came back with the following: Yes, several notable individuals interacted with Middle Eastern cultures while contributing to Britain

Haji 2003

Haji 2003 in Politics

Downsizing the Empire

The proposition that the British Empire "never really went away" but instead "downsized" reflects a view of post-colonial influence that suggests continuity between the British Empire's formal rule and its present-day economic and political ties, particularly with the rich Arab Gulf states. While the British Empire as a formal political entity dissolved in the mid-20th century, this perspective argues that Britain's influence persisted, transforming from direct colonial rule to a more subtle but

Haji 2003

Haji 2003 in Politics

Would Palestinian passivity have led to a different outcome?

What follows below, starting with "Historical Context" is chatgpt's analysis. My initial prompt is in the next post. The analysis starts with a statement of historical 'facts', framed pretty much in the way you would expect a western source to analyse the issue.  But the section that chatgpt titles, "Hypothetical outcomes ..." and the "Conclusion" are not exactly what I would have expected such a source to say, perhaps it's the result of how I wrote the original prompt?   The

Haji 2003

Haji 2003 in Politics

The fall of the Berlin Wall - not so much of a victory for the West

[The Berlin Wall today is home to various artistic pieces. I took this image of the last East German leader, Erich Honecker, portrayed as a Roman emperor.]   The reply I received from chatgpt. The original query is in the next post and after that the original framing query.   The proposition that the fall of the Berlin Wall was seen as a massive victory over communism, but has since led to the rise of China as a more formidable challenge, is an interesting perspective that wa

Haji 2003

Haji 2003 in Politics

A counterpoint to the Great Replacement Theory

[This post was initially published as 'A little conspiracy theory of mine' on Oct 25 2016. I've now retitled it and linked some of the text with the notion of the Great Replacement Theory.] Summary Britain, after the Second World War ostensibly recruited workers from various developing countries in order to fill skill shortages. However, around the same time, there was a concerted effort by Australia to recruit working-class Britons. A possible explanation to this anomalous situation i

Haji 2003

Haji 2003 in Politics

FIFA Sweet Spot

Summary Winning need not be the goal of every country, getting into the last 16 can be good enough. We want to do better next time ... Now that the World Cup is over you get the following headlines: https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Sports/World-Cup-leaves-Asia-with-pride-regret-ahead-of-old-power-final   But is this where Asian countries really want to be? It seems to me as a casual observer that the better performing teams have the following characteristics

Haji 2003

Haji 2003 in Politics

Monitoring social media

Introduction This originally started as a post on another thread dealing with the protests in Iran in 2022. But I also wanted to focus on it as an idea and develop it here. The material here is updated from the previous post.  This post is about social media postings (specifically on Twitter) and the 'Iran centredness' of the people who were tweeting about that country. I was curious to see whether the interest that people were showing in the "welfare of Iranian women" mirrored their i

Haji 2003

Haji 2003 in Politics

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