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In the Name of God بسم الله
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Giving life to the Earth after its death

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Akhbarism and the establishment of Shi'i Salafism

Structure of upcoming posts related to this topic: What is meant by Akhbarism? It's inception and continuation Akhbarism and the onset of Salafism (Intermission - Some general laws that govern human thought/ideologies) Akhbarism and the decline of human thought Akhbarism - ideas and behaviours Usooli doctrines and the Akhbari reality Akhbarism and Secterianism The Quran and Akhbari contradictions The Narrations and Akhbari contradictions  Akhbarism and the creation of (n



Death of the Shi'i Intellectual Pt1 - Akhbarism

I'm starting this series of posts to clarify my position on a few issues, whilst trying to answer some questions @Ibn al-Hussain posed in this thread, God-willing. I want to eventually prove this claim: that the rise of Akhbarism, and consequently what I term the 'Lite Akhbaris', has been the cause of death of the Shi'i intellectual, and the death of the Shi'i jurist-theologian in the Quranic sense (not in the conventional sense). I will compare the methodologies used by the classic sc



Death of the Shi'i Intellectual Pt2-Death by chain

A placeholder for the second chapter, summarising my research findings into the decline of Shi'i Intellectual thought production, which will focus on: - how the 'chain/sanad' method contributed to this decline,  killed off any hope of academic revival ,and dumbed down the level of scientific research within the Religious seminaries.  - the foremost scholar to establish this method of eliciting religious rulings and verifying narrations  (knowingly or unknowingly) - S AbulQassim alKhoei



The attractiveness of IS/Daesh

What makes a Muslim youth leave his life in Marseille, London, New York or Kosovo behind and join a group like IS/Daesh? What does Daesh promise, socio-politically speaking, that the materialist liberal West can't offer?  It offers the same utopia that the zionist state PR firms advertise to jewish youth from Brooklyn, North London and Krakow. The attractiveness of being able to BE the 'ideal' Muslim, living in the 'ideal' islamic state, ruled by a descendant of the Prophet, is no diff



Why identity politics is a cancer

'We're all different' 'We should celebrate our diversity' 'Multiculturalism is alive and well' Liberal identity politics has become part of the subconscious. More so in America than in Europe, I think. But the UK is quickly catching up. Ethnicity and multiculturalism have their own university departments.  Nobody dares talk about the common values that unite us. Liberal identity politics doesn't believe in common values.  Therefore, Identity politics is a cancer,and must



RIP Fidel

Over 600 attempts on his life, yet he left on his own terms. A great intelligent much loved leader.   



African Philosophy - Nigerian Social Theory

Something I need to write about: the Asuwada principle (purpose of creation)  It Can be summarised into these 3 fundamental axioms: 1. The unit of social life is the individual's life, being, existence or character  2. Although each human being is metaphysically a unique emanation of a Divine Being, each individual's life as a corporeal self, needs the fellowship of other corporeal selves to feel and be whole and complete 3. The corporeal individual,  essentially,  cannot con



Political identity of diaspora Muslims

Some thoughts on political identities of Muslims living in the West...write-up will follow. Is there a political identity that's relevant to British/American Muslims?   Can we shape our own internal political identity, addressing local needs and issues, whilst standing firm on our principles (proactive approach)?   Do we have a political identity shaped by external influences, i.e. wilayatul faqih, Najaf school, etc (passive approach)?   Are we forced to accept an identity shape



Muslims,Politics & the ethics of remaining neutral

I will be attending a talk this weekend which will address the Muslim's role (if any) in politics. I'm assuming the talk will limit itself to British politics, but what I've written below applies to (secular) Muslim majority countries as well. There are three aspects to answering this question: Religiously, we need to asses the role of one's world view viz his/her interaction with society The intellectual foundations of political activity of Muslims living in the West/East



A Note on Identity

People used to look to identity as a unifying force around a particular political project, or social endeavour, in order to protect the interest of a group. However, some view identity to be the biggest hindrance to progress (anywhere), and the most negative heritage that would lead a people to conflicts with no end or solution in sight. In fact, it is a drain of resources (human and natural), and it has taken us Arabs/Muslims (in the Middle East) in the opposite direction to the movement of his



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