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In the Name of God بسم الله


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Salamon Alaikom,  3 fields of issues will be 'logged in this valuable platform. 

1. 'ritings on issue of religion - no 'xplanation coming.

2. hadith - more 'xplanation coming!

3. Soft defence - more 'xplanation coming!


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Entries in this blog

Logical Reasoning

Logical reasoning Intellectual arguments Rational recognitions Eternal reflections Purity of spirit Eternal soulfulness




Salam Alaikom, some facts and thoughts are presented below. Firstly: No creation is there without being created, example reflect on, if a computer has creator how does this enormous sun do not have creator, all these stars, galaxies, milky ways and so on. Sure evolution happened but still who is the first cause. Every effect has cause but not necessarily every cause has effect. When the creation of stars come into life and lived, changes occurred that is normal, 'outer' change but no change i




Many people in the Islamic world believe that act of sin makes the appearance of the Saviour of the world named Imam al-Mahdi harder or it is because of we humans commit sin that Allah don’t give him permission to start his world wide revolution and bring humanity to the peace Salam. Yes it may be right but the real root of the problem is knowledge about Islam(please note the Islam of the Prophet Mohammad(S) and not a satanic version of Islam). By acquiring knowledge about Islam, indirectly sin



One Entity

Heart Beats start at sunset! Brain Waves start at sunrise! For the body, brain waves For the soul, heart beats For the hereafter, soft-kindly For the world, Intellectuality For the physic, Brain waves For the ‘meta’physic, heart beats




It’s difficult to see secrets of those that are patient, try to pierce the water by gazing hard with attention and focus to unveil the secrets of water drops It can only happen in cold ocean; not hot streams… reach the old ocean not hanging around in fast streams… There have ‘ever been survival out from the Cold Ocean! So beware, be in the beautiful green field beside the Cold Ocean




Burning in Brain Burning in mind Burning in thoughts Burning in time Burning during sleep Burning while awake Burning at rest If it continues it will be Burning in hell! Burning in concentration Burning in feelings Burning in emotions Burning while awake Simply just burning Flourishing of fear; hope and love! Otherwise prison better.




The mouth is off; the tongue cannot connect the words to the world! The intellect is off! The body is off; so is the body language; every DNA string. The soul is off; every component of it! The knowledge that is light in the heart; that connect body; intellect; soul; heart is off; So is the heart off; The only one with eternal eternally is overall; It doesn’t matter for the One whether it’s dark or light; All this created by the One for the ones to “enjoy”; One is the most; most Kind. 



The Goal!

The dear mother’s womb for organ creation, and bodily beauty and perfection. Surely, the less beautiful, the world of creation; on it stand the bodily beauty and perfection Obvious it be, tool is the less beauty, the world of creation for the best worth, the soul of perfection. So may the soul be Solomon over the world of creation, to begin absorbing attributes of the only King over heavens and between. As the body grow after birth



Where is not trap!

To reach You, may I suicide By elixir the soul unconscious flying wildly above the skies dancing of joy, To reach, you may suicide By elixir the soul unconscious Flying wildly above the 7 skies Dancing of joy, unaware that even skies hold traps hidden for the ones, so may they learn always have precaution.




The King is One but the Kingdom His, with pairs in the path of perfection proudly whispering; no one is like the One one! In pairs are the living world “250.000; and more species of flowering plants.” let alone humans, the most beautiful; In earth sea, sky and cosmos walking, swimming, flying, and watching cells, atoms, sounds and light perfection, purification, surrounding  and obeying Creation the not only Kingdom; is His at




Unknown holding a macabre beauty Try to pierce into the heart and create mounds of tears! Continuously allure the heart with candid Weaver-birds enjoying in a lodge terrace; With invasive ambiguity; deep interaction and coax Showing the shredded sweet; whisper blend with Insatiable and innocuous strains; taking the heart As an arid! White-hot glare with shimmered and hues sumptuous Cover the inferno! Myriad dwarf dances vignette; the heart witnes



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