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In the Name of God بسم الله
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Religion is within us divided into three parts namely : What's in our heart, What's on our tongue and what appears from our actions.

Entries in this blog

Undeniable Idea of God

"And your Lord has commanded that you shall not serve (any) but Him...." Each and every creation (makhlooq) in this universe has a natural innate attachment with the creator. Every being that is created, itself carries a signature of the creator in every form and shape and also submits to the reality of existence of its creator. This is not something for which a creature needs something from outside his being. His existence itself contains those elements that lead his way towards his creator.


Zainuu in Belief

Wilayat And Woman

Allah has never left the earth, the habitation of earth and humanity without a leader. Everywhere, where their was a survival of human beings (a human society) of any kind, a Leader has come into place. A leader by every aspects needed according to the time. Here, comes the hierarchy of prophethood. How prophets are ranked? According to how big the responsibility is on their shoulders, size of community they have to deal with and other complex parameters. Other than prophets, even men are grante


Zainuu in Belief

Love And It's Significance

The notion of love has it's roots in the trait of kindness. Only a kind person can understand and exhibit love. Now, kind here is not someone who gets delighted after seeing a baby or a dog and starts adoring it. Neither it is someone who starts crying everytime after watching something bad happening to someone. So, what is kindness? A kind person is the one who is bent upon helping anyone with whatever problem one has. He is thirsty of such people who need help. An extremely kind person doesn't


Zainuu in Belief

New Year

The first month of Islamic calendar (the most 'violent religion' in the eyes of some people) starts with love. Love for the master of martyrs. Love for mothers and motherhood of Karbala. Love for brothers and brotherhood in Karbala. Love for Namaz. Love for the greatest sacrifice for the sake of humanity ever done in the history of mankind.  It doesn't start with fancy wishes, roses and hearts. It doesn't start with celebrations, singing songs, dancing in happiness. It doesn't start with


Zainuu in Belief

Fate And Action

For his sake, there are angels following one another, before him and behind him, who guard him by Allah's commandment, surely Allah doesn't change the condition of the people until they change their own condition; and when Allah intends evil to a people, there is no averting it, and besides him they have no protector. —[Ar-R'ad verse 11] This verse in the holy Qur'an states that Allah is the protector of human beings and he has commanded angels to protect us. No one else is protecting human


Zainuu in Belief

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